Trump dumps Drudge – IOTW Report

Trump dumps Drudge

26 Comments on Trump dumps Drudge

  1. I look at it a couple of times a week just to see what our enemies are up to. The time it takes for the page to refresh is about 30 to 45 seconds these days so they can lie about how many “unique” visitors click on the site daily (only a couple of years ago it took about 4 or 5 minutes for the page to refresh automatically).

    I sent them a “news tip” that their site had become pure garbage these days and that the “auto refresh” crap made it even more worthless than it has become in the last few months. Funny, but they didn’t run a story based on my hot news tip about what a POS the site has become lately.

  2. Harvey Weinsten (sic) complicated. Spent magical evening with him at Soho House London talking movie music. Others always said he was pure monster

    –Tweet Matt Drudge. 6 Oct 2017

    And I dumped Ann Coulter and all future book purchases after she gleefully endorsed MITT ROMNEY….yeah, that guy. A lawyer should be better at sniffing out a fraud better than me, an untrained lawyer.

  3. Don’t click this Fake News, just read the headline…

    “Conservative news mogul Matt Drudge fires back at Trump, says his web traffic is at record levels” – CNN

  4. In defense of Drudge. They don’t report news. They only link to the daily news that is out there. The real problem here is the saturation of anti-Trump journalism.

  5. Shouldn’t it be called the Grudge Report? I gave up reading it a while ago like so many others, sorry Matt your expiration date is long past gone. Flip, you can add he took Bat Boy from the old Weekly World News with him as well. I miss that rag, most of the time it was satirical or even more satirical than the Babylon Bee.

  6. Haven’t been to Drudge since he came out as a never Trumper during the campaign.
    I don’t pay attention to Coulter either. She has so many knee jerk reactions it’s a wonder she hasn’t hurt herself. She blows hot and cold with the wind.

  7. Like many here, I too went to the DR for quite some time, then I just simply opened up my eyes to other things.

    Now, these daze? I go everyday, just to take a pic with my camera of his banner and of those ‘headlines’ in the upper left JUST TO document the PanDemicPanic of 2020. Been doing it for a month straight now.

    Maybe I’ll make a collage one day for a game of DARTS.


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