One More Straw – IOTW Report

One More Straw

Marin County Makes Face Coverings
Mandatory: Coronavirus

Patch – A new public health order requiring Marin County residents to wear face coverings was issued Friday.

Marin is joining other Bay Area counties that have made face coverings mandatory in public settings as officials explore ways to ease restrictions while still working to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“So the question is how can we safely begin to consider allowing more social interactions and more travel within our community knowing that this virus is still part of our environment,” said Dr. Matt Willis, the county’s public health officer. “One important measure that we can all take is to cover our faces when we’re in situations where there could be transmission of the virus.”

Read it here.

44 Comments on One More Straw

  1. FWIW, N95 masks are designed to capture 95% of particles down to 3 microns.

    Most corona viruses are in the 1-2 micron range.

    So anything made out of an old rag of some kind is virtually worthless.

    IMO, I’m not an expert in any virological field so figure out things for yourself and voice them if you think they may be helpful (especially if you’re a professional in some relevant related field).

  2. Armbands will be next, here in California.

    Sundance, yesterday, had this to say about New Jersey governor, and others like him, using law enforcement to enforce shelter at home orders:

    “When you see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when you see that in order to invoke your first amendment right to speech; or your sixth amendment right to due process, you must obtain permission from men who rebuke our constitution; when you see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when you see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and our representatives don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you; when you see corruption holding influence, and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; you will know that your freedom too is soon to perish.”

  3. Soon they will be telling us all to put our left hands in and then put our left hands out, put our left hands in and then shake it all about.

    I do believe the Hokey Pokey is what it’s all about.

  4. “Soon they will be telling us all to put our left hands in and then put our left hands out …. ”

    It’s more likely to be your right hand. I think the current plans are calling for it to begin in about 18 months.

  5. “Soon they will be telling us all to put our left hands in and then put our left hands out …. ”
    At least they aren’t telling up to put our hands in our pockets, it’s kinda hard to do when the government’s hand is already there.

  6. Per that other thread, @Joe6pak needs to adjust his magnet and bumper sticker production line, for mask production, with a twist of course that fantastic super design by @BFH (turns out of course he has HIS hand in ALL, thanks for the clarification J6P).

    @Joe6pak – if it becomes mandated for some, let’s have ‘some fun’ with it and a PROTEST of our own.

    I have an idea to make a ‘fitted’ mask like a fitted sheet, it could also protect our ears!

    And it is a ‘no mess, no fuss’ approach, the rubber bands break, three orifices one application. And when this SHIT is ‘over’ we could distribute through out the USA to tradesman that ordinarily would wear them also your average home owner as well?

    We could all become RICH! Haha…

  7. Even Texas is ridiculous. Abbott opens state parks Monday but you have to wear a mask. Outdoors. Seriously?! He has lost a lot of support with his tyrannical BS.

  8. Snitch. Marin County is über left.
    The Patch, Claudine’s link, has nice chat site for the locals.
    One of the helpful citizens posted this. I am redacting some private info just to be a good comrade.

    “I am sitting here asking myself, as a community what is our degree of responsibility to help protect ourselves and others against the spread of the Covid-19 virus? When we openly know that someone in our community is putting us all at risk with a blatant disregard for the ordinance by operating her “massage” business right out of her home in Santa Venetia. This is bringing potential carriers of the virus directly into our community and putting us all at risk. Please join me to help convince the authorities to shut this down.

    Here is the business information.

    K*** K****
    S**** V***** Massage
    58 ***** Drive
    San Rafael, CA 94903
    415- ***-**** ”

    Maybe it’s the shutdown, or maybe it’s being very familiar with Marin people, but I thought that’s funny.

  9. It is a good idea to wear a mask even though the virus in MUCH smaller. It reduces the velocity of sneezes, coughs and general droplets exiting the mouth.


    Almost everyone is out of stock and most masks of any type are being justly diverted to front line workers.

    So this really is another redundant stay at home order with the governments ability to TAX/FINE you for something that is mostly arbitrary.

    I have not been able to by any type of mask in Canuckistan for 2 months!

    Not yet mandatory up here yet.

  10. Pretty much anything qualifies as a mask. I am wearing a Buff when I go into stores, although only then.
    I don’t like the rule but if it leads to them opening things up at least it is a small step forward.
    Would the mask equivalent of a tiny thong be sufficient under the rule? Could have some fun with that.
    By next weekend the masses are going to overwhelm the various governments with their demand to open everything.
    I am eager to get my next massage and haircut! Fortunately got each just before the shutdown, but I am due for both.

  11. I mean logically you’ve got close to 50% of the country that will vote Joe Biden. You really think they can figure out proper mask use? LOL. And the gloves, OMG the gloves. Touch everything with them on, then take them off and touch the same things. The level of retard is baffling.

  12. @burner – you actually are correct, especially if you are of a certain age (in which case you will not contract the Whuflu MOST likely) and if you are of a certain hollyweird disposition to begin with.

    But think about it this way? So many masks on soooo many people, the Deep State facial recognition cams they have trained on us now, are somewhat useless now?? Aren’t they??

    The other thing, wait till people find out how uncomfortable a mask actually is to wear when its HOT out, unlike in ‘most’ states right now above a certain latitude with attitudes.

    I was doing some work in the driveway and I saw a car zoom down the narrow street I live on, I did notice the person was…wearing a face mask! IN the car…going too effing fast.

    They are so afraid of something they cannot see (geee kinda like god?), yet this particular ASSHOLE could potential HIT someone with her 2000 pound car!! No sense, no caring, very selfish.

  13. …it really doesn’t matter, since everyone wears them on their chin anyway…

    Of course, in the case of the Bay area, that may be because they need a bump cushion there…

  14. You wear those in high heat/humidity, and it pretty quickly gets to where it’s like trying to breathe through a sweat-soaked gym sock.

    ..they really were NOT designed for every day, outdoor wear.

    …compliance will drop proporional to temperature, you’ll see…

  15. “A rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not just carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizens would be subversive to our new society“

    Keep it up and pretty soon we will be carrying rifles.

  16. I thought about using half of a bra for a mask. I would want a good C or D cup. I don’t want to go out in public and have people think “His GF has AA size boobies”.

  17. Go out without a mask. Tell them you’re wearing one.
    Hey, if men can pretend they’re women and they must be accepted as women, then they have to accept you
    as if you’re wearing a mask.

  18. The burning question – What will be the last straw? As summer approaches, the government continues to bankrupt the economy and blue state tyrannical officials increase their unconstitutional restrictions. How long before most Americans, en masse reject the heinous, criminal “cure” that’s truly worse than a bio-engineered virus.

  19. Confused APRIL 19, 2020 AT 4:45 PM

    So if I don’t wear a mask they will arrest me, but taking a dump on the sidewalk is ok?

    I think the point and end game of this exercise in nonsense is “Whatever they say is ok, is ok, and nothing else.”

  20. I was just at a big box store in Grand Rapids. A mask wearing guy asked a non-masked guy why he wasn’t wearing a mask.

    Answer: “Because I’m not sick and all the idiots are wearing masks, so I don’t have to worry about catching it from you.”

    My sister and I hurried to the next isle so we could laugh out loud!

  21. Claudia, exactly what I was thinking when I was grocery shopping Friday. The idiot, leftard mayor of the city I live in, had just announced that afternoon, that beginning April 20th, masks are required in public. Most people in the area were wearing masks three days before it was required. *sigh*
    On top of that, I passed people driving their cars with masks on!
    Unbelievable. It must be happening all over the country, because Bad_Brad mention it in another thread.

  22. I am meeting more and more people that think it’s bs and extend their bare hand in handshake.

    Then, last Friday, I have the first customer to insist I have a mask on in his house. I pulled my Tshirt up for the short time i was inside. His grandkids were there, so he insisted.

    So we have a ways to go.

  23. Dadof4, yes, that would have been a much better response. I did make brief eye contact with the non-masked guy and smiled before we skedaddled. But it would have served the masked guy right to laugh in his face.

  24. Where I work we have over 400 employees and not one person affected. The sad part is, more and more masks are showing up even to the point some of the women think it’s cute to have them in Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, college teams, etc. I keep being told there are masks available if I need one. In other words, we wish you would wear one. Shove it up your ass, okay?

    There is a tiny faction of us that thinks it’s way overblown, it carries a political slant and we just need to open things up and start living our lives normally. And yes, none of them are stupid enough to wear a damn mask.

  25. “Coronavirus Tracking Apps – This is how freedom dies”
    – The Coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic is emboldening certain governments and our freedom is being taken away as we speak. The tracking apps are one of the most obvious steps towards a future I don’t think any of us want for our children. – [A Norwegian perspective]. .

    Adding one more straw.

  26. So the first states to blow this bull off, and people go back to work win. But must be distroy and shamed.
    People sitting home collecting a check are just fine with their time off. Buzz off you asshoe. Maybe they can pay our bills?

  27. I am doing my part. I won’t wear a mask. But I’ve put a spray can of lysol by my front door. Whenever someone comes over who is wearing a mask, I’m insisting on spraying their legs with lysol.

    By the way, veterinarian said to me that wearing a homemade mask to keep out viruses is like putting cattle fencing around your yard to keep out the mosquitos.


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