BBC Broadcasting Islamic Call To Prayer – IOTW Report

BBC Broadcasting Islamic Call To Prayer


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the state public-service broadcaster funded by taxpayers, has begun, for the first time, to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer (adhan) across the U.K. every Friday at 5:50 a.m., “in an effort to be more inclusive of the country’s diverse population.”

The broadcast will also feature different imams reciting verses from the Quran and quotes from Muhammad before delivering Muslim sermons and leading listeners in prayers. More

So much for building Jerusalem “In England’s green and pleasant land.” Here

21 Comments on BBC Broadcasting Islamic Call To Prayer

  1. Thank you Tony B.
    The New World Order folk said Maggie was crazy when she said Tony was taking the UK here 21 years ago.
    I never believed the NWO folk. I did believe Maggie!

    Now what do you say GWB, Clinton, Bainer(Mein Duetsch ist zer gut nicht!), P. Ryan….!

    I know it is a god thing. open-mindedness! not rascist!

  2. What about Britons who don’t care to hear that crap or pay for it?”

    The Brits that own a television are the only ones that have to pay it. They’re not required to own one (yet).

  3. @Kcir

    4/20 – AH birthday.

    If the Islamos were a peaceful sort, I’d say, mmmm-maybe. But they are not and the Brits, who recently grew a pair, have de-masculated themselves again. Pitiful.


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