Kim Jong Un recovering after cardiovascular procedure, South Korean media says – IOTW Report

Kim Jong Un recovering after cardiovascular procedure, South Korean media says

North Korean media is saying he’s already chopping trees down, with a tuna can lid.


Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dictator, is recovering Tuesday from a cardiovascular procedure, according to a South Korean media reports.

The Daily NK, an online news periodical based in Seoul, which is run mostly by North Korean defectors, reported that Kim was recovering from his April 12 surgery at a resort county villa on the east coast. The report said Kim has been in bad health because of heavy smoking, obesity and overwork.

Sources told Fox News that the White House is aware of the reports of Kim’s health, but there is no confirmation.

Specifics on Kim’s condition were unclear; North Korea has been notorious for withholding and distorting news inside its borders.


19 Comments on Kim Jong Un recovering after cardiovascular procedure, South Korean media says

  1. Well I have lost out on booze consumption due to my Indian liver, but I can make up for it with butter and cheese due to my Irish ticker…

    Life’s little trade offs I suppose.

    Spent a few tours in the RoK, always felt we were there to keep them from going North, those are some tough little bastards I can tell you from experience.


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