ChinaVirus In A Nutshell – IOTW Report

ChinaVirus In A Nutshell

Well, an awfully large nutshell.

Handwaving Freakoutery – As the sensemaking crisis goes into overload on COVID-19, many people are shutting down, many people are hyperventilating, and many people don’t know what’s real and what’s not. The signal to noise ratio on this is very badly weighted towards noise, with our mainstream media sources and politicians failing to be particularly helpful. And while COVID-19 could kill you, other things could kill you too, such as unemployment, starvation, or national civil war, and we need to look at all of those things honestly to pull the signal out of the noise. There are a lot of things to consider. Let’s look at the noise first.

The Noise

I saw this in my social feed today. I think it’s a totally accurate depiction of the noise we’re all facing.

Well good news! A friend has broken down all the facts and everything we need to know about COVID-19!

1 Basically, you can’t leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.
2 Masks are useless, but maybe you have to wear one, it can save you, it is useless, but maybe it is mandatory as well.
3 Stores are closed, except those that are open.
4 You should not go to hospitals unless you have to go there. Same applies to doctors, you should only go there in case of emergency, provided you are not too sick.
5 This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster.
6 Gloves won’t help, but they can still help.
7 Everyone needs to stay HOME, but it’s important to GO OUT.
8 There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes.
9 The virus has no effect on children except those it affects.
10 Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there.
11 You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms.

Finish reading the long list here.

17 Comments on ChinaVirus In A Nutshell

  1. Lately this type of article leads me to ponder the question “Are we being led by morons or are we just morons being led by tyrants?”.

    A hard one to answer, it could easily be argued either way.

  2. Some numbers to keep in mind, particularly because I see all these ‘per million’ data points:
    About 12,000 people per million die each year (that’s an 80-year life expectancy)
    Although flu seasons in US vary a lot, average is around 100,000 per million get it and 100 per million die from it each year. That is approximately where we are with coronavirus deaths at the moment (and of course it ain’t over). Doesn’t it defy logic that fewer than a million (2,500 per million) are infected so far? The flu season had already been rather bad, likely over 100 deaths per million and perhaps double that.
    Deaths by state are incredibly variant. NY is nearly 1,000 per million while CA is at 31 per million. Other states are even lower. What is up with that???

  3. In my mind, now the 64 dollar question is, will the media and the politicians even admit the FACTS of CoVid-19?

    (1) How the virus spreads and the infection risks with each vector.
    (2) The percentage of the population infected.
    (3) The actual death rate.
    (4) The age demographics of fatal cases.
    (5) The health conditions affecting fatal cases.
    (6) The harmful use of ‘ventilators.’
    (7) The negative affects of using limited hospitals for concentrated care of a widespread contagion whose infection vectors are not initially understood, especially in our cities.
    (8) The ongoing need to devise non-economically-destructive care for those still at risk.

    #7, #8 – not expecting those discussions to even start, not even among health professionals.

    In all my years, I’ve never witnessed such widespread stupidity in my own country.

  4. I read earlier today there are zero (proven) cases of object to human transitions.
    A group of people at a basketball game died from it but they were sitting near each other. Hundreds of others touched the railings, door knobs, and other things but suffered no consequences. Pretty much the same on a cruise ship.
    Wearing a mask doesn’t stop you from catching the disease, just your infecting others.

  5. Another illness being spawned by covid-19 is politicians & government bureaucrats becoming addicted to being on tv for an hour everyday to do their coronavirus update.

  6. @ Jimmy, you know how many doctors are still clueless about the ventilators? I just watched a video by a doctor in my state talking about ventilators and COVID-19. He was totally clueless. He actually said that he had treated 15 COVID-19 patients and put them on the ventilator the first day and all but one died. He was trying to scare everyone about how deadly it is and not a joke. When people started telling him he probably killed them because oxygen is what they need not vents and showing him the data and studies and pointing out how much more money his hospital gets when they put them on a vent, he deleted his video.

    Hopefully somebody saved it. Also hopefully some of the family of those who have died start suing these hospitals and doctors for putting them on ventilators. Also non-COVID-19 patients who they have refused to treat or allow to have surgeries performed need to sue as well.
    I’m not a fan of lawsuits or lawyers, but money seems to be the only thing that can get the attention of these hospitals and tyrannical government hacks.

  7. Good article. Self interested over reactions all around. Malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance all around. Credibility of institutions? In tatters to begin with, now shot to hell.

  8. someone, like zeke emmanuel or a some ‘bean counter,’ has probably figured out that it is cheaper to kill someone with a respiratory ventilator, than it is to keep them alive and paying their medicare and social security costs. (There are financial incentives for a hospital to use ventilators in this illness).
    I think they were referred to as death panels.
    Sara Palin was right.
    And don’t forget about what jonathan gruber said, and did.

  9. @toby miles, there are several articles by different doctors who say the same thing along with scientists who have studied it. You’d think these doctors would find out all they could instead of just putting them on ventilators.

    However, if they’re on medicare the hospital gets thousands of more dollars for putting them on a ventilator if they label it as COVID-19. Then all of these hospitals are not allowing family to be with patients, even those not on their virus wings, which are very few.

    They would end up arresting me, because I would never trust any hospital. I’ve had too many family and friends go in for surgery and them come in and have them to draw an X with a marker on where they were performing surgery.

    One friend was in the hospital with pancreatitis and they came in and told him they were taking him to surgery and when he asked what for they said the doctor had ordered it. His sister noticed the name on the chart so insisted they say what the surgery was for and it was to amputate a foot. He was on strong painkillers and was loopy as hell, but thankfully she pointed out he was not there for his foot and they had the wrong chart.

    Years ago I was very ill and was put in the hospital, I told my husband to not leave and pay close attention to what they were hooking to my IV, because I’m highly allergic to penicillin and sure enough they brought it in. So if he had not been there, they probably would have killed me.


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