Fact Check: No, Trump Didn’t Propose Injecting People with Disinfectant – IOTW Report

Fact Check: No, Trump Didn’t Propose Injecting People with Disinfectant

Every time you think that the Left can’t be any more vile and dumb, they manage to top themselves.


CLAIM: President Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to cure coronavirus.

VERDICT: False. Trump was speaking generally about new information about sunlight, heat, and disinfectant killing the virus.

President Trump is being quoted out of context — as usual — by left-wingers on social media who are accusing him of suggesting injecting people with disinfectant as a way of curing coronavirus infections.

Trump used the word “inject,” but what he meant was using a process — which he left “medical doctors” to define — in which patients’ lungs might be cleared of the virus, given new knowledge about its response to light and other factors.

Earlier in the briefing, Dr. Bill Bryant, leader of the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security, described the results of new government research that showed that the coronavirus did not survive long in solar light, warmer temperatures, and more humid conditions. He added that disinfectants had also been effective against it.

Trump, responding to that, noted that there had been discussions of testing ultraviolet light on patients, or of methods to bring light inside the body. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it [the virus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets in the lungs.”

At no time did Trump actually propose injecting patients with disinfectant; he deferred to “medical doctors” to figure out how to apply Dr. Bryant’s research. more here

35 Comments on Fact Check: No, Trump Didn’t Propose Injecting People with Disinfectant

  1. Who knew getting out in the fresh air was so harmful?! I walked into the (liberal) office yesterday and was ‘hit’ with “the coronavirus is causing adults and children to have their legs amputated”. Does anyone know from where THIS crap is being spewed? WTF I hate not having a comeback for these idiots!

  2. CCNV.. LOL. I’ve read of 2 people having blood clots in their legs. One guy had his leg amputated. But I don’t know what he had going on before hand. Anyway, it’s not mass people getting amputations. Some people do develop clots in their lung or lungs. SOME people. And still survive.

  3. People are going to mostly believe what they hear on the MSM anyway.

    And no real accountability for their out of context or misquotes is ever seen to change their minds.

  4. Left Coast Dan- I agree. He often stops just before finishing a point to INJECT (lol) a comparison or confirm his previous point. But really, people think a grown damn man is going to stand there and say we should inject ourselves with actual disinfectants?

    Nice try, Jon Karl. We are all dumber for having listened to you.

  5. That Tony-Award winning Broadway guy had a leg amputated “because” he had Wuhan Flu – in addition to other unspecified ailments.

    Thus, from a humble acorn does the mighty Oak grow.

    The media need only a germ of fact to construct a bastion of falsehood.

    Why we tolerate it is best explained by the abnormal psychologists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I think democrat states definitely need to remain closed. They should be in lockdown state until they feel safe. Maybe for many months. We want to help them feel safe.

    Also, all Hydroxychloroquine should be diverted from democrat states to those republican states who want it. This is because we care for democrats, we pray for them, and we want them to feel safe. So they shouldn’t have this unproven drug.

    We want to help.

  7. Give it to the BBC to blow shit out of proportion. Nothing of the kind was suggested. And in the same article just below the trump video ” top doctor says heat does not kill corona virus”. Bullshit! My wife and I contracted the Communist China Virus in early February. Antibody test confirmed last week. Our hospital “didn’t want to see us unless we were bleeding to death”. So dig for info as I do. We were given a true gift of information from a clinical doctor friend. HEAT! Plus mega doses of vitamin C. Hot compresses to the chest and back every two hours with microwaved moist towels wrapped in another towel, within 4 hours breathing improved simply by loosening phlegm and opening airways. Took it further and took showers with extremely hot water. Within 24 hrs most major symptoms were gone. So bottom line…screw fake news!

  8. I think Trump gave excellent advice on injecting clorox. I hope everyone in democrat states that are the epicenter for this virus will take his advice.

    We want to help. We pray for democrats every minute of every day.

  9. Maybe that idiot and his wife that drank fish tank cleaner would have been better served by injecting it. Watch for a number of Trump caused deaths due to Lysol injections.

  10. @MJA. With all of the symptoms we had. Fever was only low grade. I guess we had to create our own fever so to speak. All SARS are heat sensitive. When N1H1 made it’s rounds. My nephew was corrected with “HEAT”. This really concerns me when everyone is looking for temperature spikes

  11. When researchers begin testing next week on a promising new method of placing an organic virucide directly into the lungs, do not be shocked, like the journos will be.

    I mean, isn’t that how it usually goes when Trump makes them lol? They’re always laughing so hard, they never notice the shadow of the other shoe dropping.

  12. !! CNN Breaking news!!
    Trump participated in necrophelia!
    Trump hates puppies and kittens!
    Trump to exterminate the homeless!
    Trump does not recycle!
    Trump encourages littering!
    Trump is anti-science and anti-gravity!
    Trump eats Russian caviar!
    Trump admits to not flossing daily!
    Trump to abolish weekends!
    Trump to re-instate slavery!

  13. At day 7 we were laughing it off that the beer was worse even with lime. Day 8 it got rough. HEAT my friends. And yes, my wife and I are both essential to our community, and are both back at work.

  14. A week or two ago at a presser, some dim bulb reporter asked President Trump “will you say everyone who wants a test will get one?”. Trump said: “everyone who NEEDS a test will get one.”

    So of course, “Trump lies, he said we could get a test if we wanted one.”.

  15. Imagine a world without mainstream media. They are like clockwork Orange, 1984 and the communist worldwide propaganda machine rolled into one. They have been wagging the dog so long most don’t even notice.
    The truth isn’t in them.
    Cut the cord now people.

  16. Chris Cuomo’s wife takes baths with 1/2 cup of Clorox to ward off the disease! I used to put one cup of clorox in my 1200 gallon water tank to purify it. Holy Shnikees! A half cup in your bath!!!? Anyway, if heat and humidity are good for this thing (Thanks Holy Chris!) then I think everyone needs a hot tub!I’ll tell Hubby that we should get one.

  17. During WWII Winston Churchill came up with hundreds of ideas for winning the war. One of them (via Geoffrey Pyke) was an aircraft carrier made out of ice and sawdust.

    Only 5% of his ideas were any good, but he churned them out anyway, to see which ones would fly and which ones would not.

    It doesn’t sound at all like Trump was advocating injecting lysol into people’s lungs, but, we have a fake media negatively re-interpreting everything he says. They are scumbags.

  18. All the libtards on line have pushed this lie with cartoons and crap all morning. More a lie travels halfway across the world before the truth puts its shoes on. And if you correct them they’ll just say so what he is stupid.

  19. I was watching the presser live, and I heard him say exactly what he is accused of saying. I even said out loud to myself, “That was stupid”. But with Trump,you need to be able to interpret. He is not stupid, and he knows you will not ingest disinfectant in any form consumers are familiar with.
    I voted for him in 2016, and I will vote for him again in 2020.
    The way he speaks and his choice of words are who he is culturally. Therefore I have to accept him for who he is. He was born that way.
    (Oh-oh, I think I have become a snowflake)

  20. Trump’s stream of conscienceness way of talking does get awkward sometimes but we know what he means or intends-the Left have their own filter and make no attempt to learn-they just hate him. Can we say what he said was, “inartful” like Obama always explained away things and move on? Nope. It’s not allowed.

  21. I saw the hysteria and knew it was bullshit from how over the top commies were reacting.

    He wants you to eat tide pods. Inject Lysol into your eyeballs. Drink Clorox. They’re so fucking nuts.

    I watched the video. He said the word about medical care under a doctor giving you something to disinfect your viral infection. Infection, disinfect, Clorox. Logical jump, no?

    As soon as he said the word “disinfect”, the cameras started shuttering like it was the Battle of Verdun.

    Of course Drudge is the asshole running the big Clorox bottle like that was said.

    Garbage media for garbage people.

  22. He is not stupid. He is just unfamiliar with the nomenclature.

    He likely was briefed on possible treatments, one of those involves sterilizing (disinfecting) blood in vivo with UV light. There are antibiotics that are activated with light, so strong light is either placed close to the skin, or introduced internally (into sinuses, etc.) with optical fiber. The same could be done with UV to kill Xi virus in mucus membranes. One of the methods for irradiating blood is to put a catheter in a vein that shines UV laser light into it.

    Ozonation of blood has been proposed to treat SARS, among many other pathogens. FDA has a serious institutional bias against ozone and hydrogen peroxide. For a number of years, hydrogen peroxide was not allowed in hospitals and clinics for use as an antiseptic, then they reversed themselves with little comment.

    All of these treatments are not DIY safe. Things that kill pathogens can also kill healthy cells, when not applied correctly. Trump cannot be blamed for the stupidity of others, especially democrats, the only ones to have done anything fatally stupid in response to one of Trump’s comments.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that Trump is surrounded by some advisors who are repeatedly setting him up for media scorn.

    I think he should have stood his ground on this.


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