Cor-Oh-No Virus – IOTW Report

Cor-Oh-No Virus

My condolences to Maxine Waters on the heartbreak of possibly losing a sister, and also to her English teachers for not being able to teach this imbecile how to hear words, repeatedly, and then retain their pronunciations.

After hearing the word corona, incessantly, for several months, this idiot still calls it corono.

The fact that she gets a free pass is evidence of the soft bigotry of low expectations.

I expect more from everyone –>

22 Comments on Cor-Oh-No Virus

  1. She’s a fukkin liar.
    Her family’s stolen enough through her corruption to have the best medical care available.

    If her sister’s dying, it ain’t from the flu – I guarantee it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Jimmy, I don’t think that is a question at all. Without even watching it, let summarize: “Trump is incompetent, evil, and it killing millions of people.”

    Was I close?

  3. If you disagree with Reagan
    -that Government isn’t the answer, it’s the problem-
    then you should have no problem with Maxine making all your life’s big decisions.

    And she’s just the most comical example.
    John McCain, Romney, Durbin, Sackajacrappa … infin.

  4. I want a fact check; I don’t believe she had a sister, or a sister that died. Everything else out of he mouth is a lie, so why would she tell the truth about that?

  5. Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, Frederica Wilson all elected representatives of their districts for decades and black folk wonder why they are stereotyped.

    Here is a clue, if it is true it is not racist.

  6. @ Tony R: The ‘net says she’s one of !3 (!!!) chirren raised by their mother after the father split. More living support of the idea of triskaidekaphobia…

  7. 1. you can still wear the mask and be heard. Idiot. You have a microphone.
    2. If her sister was dying at the very moment, *Sniff* and she had conversations about the virus, then it should be important enough to learn how to SAY it. Idiot.


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