Potential Wuhan Coronavirus Treatment Uses UV Light to Disinfect Lungs – IOTW Report

Potential Wuhan Coronavirus Treatment Uses UV Light to Disinfect Lungs


President Trump was roundly criticized for pondering whether or not UV light or other disinfectants that have proved effective at killing the Wuhan coronavirus on surfaces could somehow be administered inside the body to treat patients suffering from the disease. During Thursday’s coronavirus task force briefing, President Trump asked White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx whether sunlight has been explored as a possible treatment for those suffering from disease, specifically the coronavirus. 

“Not as a treatment,” Dr. Birx answered the president. “I mean, certainly fever is a good thing when you have a fever. It helps your body respond. But not as, I have not seen heat or …”

The president cut her answer short. “I think that’s a great thing to look at,” the president interjected. 

Well, Dr. Birx must have missed the press release, published by the AP on April 20th, announcing the novel treatment already developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai that administers ultraviolet light inside the bodies of patients inflicted with respiratory infections. MORE

11 Comments on Potential Wuhan Coronavirus Treatment Uses UV Light to Disinfect Lungs

  1. So what terms of service violation caused that video to be removed?

    I was sorta interested in seeing it (and I usually don’t watch YouTube stuff about this kind of thing, preferring other ways of researching it instead).

  2. Gee Wally, I guess that video of a pharmaceutical company providing an overview of how the UV treatment works musta had too much porn in it…

    Anybody still think the Chicoms didn’t do this deliberately?

  3. Cmn¢¢guy, that video is from an article from the Cleveland Clinic website:


    It won’t work with the ChinaVirus or other lung issues. From the article:

    “Pulmonologist Jihane Faress, MD, notes that lung lavage does not work for other lung conditions.

    “Patients ask about COPD or lung fibrosis because they want to help their loved ones, but this really is for PAP [pulmonary alveolar proteinosis],” she says. “It works well because of the nature of the disease, but it could actually cause challenges with these other conditions.”

  4. This is the communist way. Eliminate all that fails to conform with the narrative. The only true thing in a communist society is the power of the gun and only government has that.

    Communists are evil. Censorship is evil. YouTube is evil.

  5. Claudia, it does prove an adaptable theory. Possibly low dose antibiotics. I am not a medical expert, my Mom was an old school anesthesiologist and would point out some of the newer treatments that she felt were useless. Ether is antiviral. The infection doesn’t have to be killed completely, just slow it down so the body can recover. Aspirin has antiviral properties. Growing up it didn’t matter what, aspirin was the first answer.
    The medical and drug industry are as corrupt as the Democrats and Media.

    Antiviral activity of aspirin against RNA viruses of the respiratory tract

  6. Cmn¢¢guy, exactly!

    I’ve been taking extra Vitamin C ever since Dadof4 had a comment about it being used in higher doses, sometimes intravenously, as treatment for many things. I just don’t remember what they were. I should have bookmarked that post.


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