Credible Evidence Emerges Supporting Tara Reade’s Accusation Against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Credible Evidence Emerges Supporting Tara Reade’s Accusation Against Joe Biden

HT/ woody

The problem here, is, I want Biden to win the nomination.

13 Comments on Credible Evidence Emerges Supporting Tara Reade’s Accusation Against Joe Biden

  1. Be careful wishing for a Biden nomination, @BFH. The key is who would be his running mate. A scenario that seems to me more and more likely is for Joey to get the nom, then before November drop out for being dumber than an avocado and getting dumber by the hour health reasons.

  2. Joe ain’t gonna go so easily
    He is sleeping pillowlessly
    And he won’t leave the city
    2020 or Skedaddle
    He got new teeth in case he has to bite a hand in the Dark, or a Nancy Monkey claw with a beady bracelet

    Fun Times

  3. @Uncle Al – respectfully, if you ever had any experience in telling a person with on coming dementia to ‘step out of the way’??? Move on??

    ‘You are feeble’? That ain’t that easy to say!

    Are the dems past that point of no return in telling that person, and themselves, it’s too late. It’s over?

    Not sure that will happen, but maybe under such pressure from the DNC and ‘other’ Swamp forces and parasites you might be correct??

    The only female, the destined VP gender, capable of holding his hand through his until after he is elected?? His own loving wife.

    Dr. Jill B.

  4. What are the chances the D’s will use Tara Raede to dump Biden before/at the convention? Kills two birds with one stone – gets rid of him because he is too bat shit senile but they don’t have to admit it and gives them a “We are not MeToo hypocrites” card to play

    Plus the party elders can then pick whoever they want to run – maybe Hillary again (though I doubt it), probably one of the loud mouth bitches in the Senate – maybe Cuomo or someone like him as VP

  5. Just when it seems that Dementia Joe’s handlers have things under control and everybody distracted by the Trump Pandemic, this shows up! How many times must we be reminded that there is no evidence that any of this nasty business ever happened. It’s not like those women who accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They had supporters! That makes them credible. Do you see how it works?

  6. @ghost of brig gen j glover:

    @Uncle Al – respectfully, if you ever had any experience in telling a person with on coming dementia to ‘step out of the way’??? Move on??

    Respectfully, yes. Yes I have.

  7. The standard of truthiness must be “credible ACCUSATION”. Not only is that the conviction standard of this, the current, year; but in a Court of The Rule of Law, “evidence”, is not only all that matters, regardless of truth — truth doesn’t matter, at all.

  8. Doesn’t matter – There are age and nationality exclusions for the Presidency – not a criminal exclusion (so far as I recall).

    The whole point of democracy (or Republic for those so inclined) – self-rule at any rate – is that you can choose whomever you please!
    Sandy O’Cortez?

    ALL known criminals!
    MANY out-and-out traitors!
    Some imbeciles!
    ALL duly elected!

    So, why should Joey’s sexual peccadilloes be exclusionary?
    Or his dementia, for that matter?
    The Constitution doesn’t say a damned thing about the mental capacity of our elected officials, and, Heaven knows, we have plenty of dullards and morons in Office.

    izlamo delenda est …


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