Hong Kong TV reporting King Jong-un has died. – IOTW Report

Hong Kong TV reporting King Jong-un has died.

How do you know a country shouldn’t be a country? When the info coming out of it is so shaky you can’t even know for sure if their leader is dead.

But this is what you get in leftist states.

Report: Vice Director of Hong Kong Satellite Television Reports that North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un is Dead


ht/ woody

38 Comments on Hong Kong TV reporting King Jong-un has died.

  1. If he croaked and another batch of thugs can’t hold things together; China and South Korea are going to get swamped
    by many millions of sick and starving NK’s.
    Will be sorry for SK but sure as hell not for the CCP.

  2. Hateful Trump killed that poor sweet man who only cared for his people like a carring father . Made him drink Pine Sol. May Mother Gaia have mercy on all hateful Trumpthuglitards

  3. How come the Norks were able to rid themselves of their tyrant at such a young age, but we are still stuck with 106-year old Nancy Pelosi? Maybe we can import his doctors under H1 visa program?

  4. Kimchi kills everything! I doubt any virus could survive the Korean staple. More likely ii’s a coup by the Chinese. Most likely, Fake News!
    President Trump wouldn’t comment yesterday on whether or not he had spoken to KIm.
    He did say it could be fake news.

  5. A Japanese magazine is reporting that North Korea’s rocket man is in a “vegetative state.” Would that be the same as a ‘cooked’ vegetable?

    Some are suggesting his brain is “mush” – indicating he was fond of oatmeal and ate it recently. But considering his fondness for American pizza, others are claiming that the mush theory has turned to shit.

  6. “.. a delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party’s International Liaison Department was sent to North Korea to advise on the health of the country’s leader. The report comes amid conflicting reports about Kim’s health. However, Reuters “was unable to immediately determine what the trip by the Chinese team signaled in terms of Kim’s health.””

    https://twitter.com/i/events/1254052645989277696 .

  7. No one remember the media going gaga over Kim’s sister, heir apparent, “throwing shade” at Mike Pence in 2018?


    When not promoting Chicom propaganda, they’ll take North Korean in its absence. Plus, it’s about time we had a female dictator. She faces a lot of discrimination male totalitarians don’t normally experience. And only 70% of the pay.

  8. Cliche Guevara APRIL 25, 2020 AT 1:56 PM

    “Plus, it’s about time we had a female dictator.”

    …perhaps there HAS been an American female dictator, YOU be the judge…

    (Interview with Buckwheat from Little Rascals)

    Interviewer: Buckwheat, I hear your quite demanding on the set with cast and crew alike. In what way do you tyrannize your co-workers?

    Buckwheat: Otay, nu need to talt to me nike I understand. Ne non’t know dis “tyrannize”. Is it like when ne look like a grrl in ne first shows?

    Interviewer: No, no, Buckwheat, I mean, how do you dictate?

    Buckwheat: Das’ stupid! Ne don’ know how me dick tate, ask Darlene!

  9. …I’d be willing to bet that China would DELIBERATELY report you death while you’re STILL ALIVE, just so you know you have something to look FORWARD to, kind of like that time Sessions found “his” suicide note on Hillary’s server…

  10. Darlene may have cucked Alfalfa but she wasn’t a dictator.

    I’m serious though. The Western media is chomping at the opportunity to heap praise on her. They’ll treat her like she was elected. She’ll be a Top 10 most influential women in the world. Time magazine cover. Fashion plate trendsetter. They’ll shower her with praise because they think it will get them an interview or scupper her behavior somehow.

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