Biden’s Proposed Stimulus A Repeat Of Obama 2009 – IOTW Report

Biden’s Proposed Stimulus A Repeat Of Obama 2009

Issues & Insight

oe Biden has a plan to get the economy moving again after the coronavirus shutdown. Unfortunately for him, his plan has already been tried – and it failed miserably.

In an interview with Politico published over the weekend, Biden said that after injecting trillions of dollars to keep the economy from collapsing entirely, the next stimulus needs to be “a hell of a lot bigger.”

What should the money go for? A “trillion-dollar infrastructure program that can be implemented really rapidly (and) dealing with environmental things that create good-paying jobs.”

Politico says Biden also called for “massive aid to states and cities to prevent them from ‘laying off a hell of a lot of teachers and cops and firefighters.’”

“Biden said investments in light rail, clean drinking water, and half a million electric vehicle chargers on the nation’s highways could help retool the economy for the future.” Where have we heard this before?

Oh, right, Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus, which was going to turbocharge the economy by funding “shovel-ready jobs,” heavy investments in mass transit, “clean” energy, electric cars, and a bailout of state governments.  More

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