California doctors who administered 5,000 coronavirus tests: ‘Data is showing’ it’s time to lift stay-at-home order – IOTW Report

California doctors who administered 5,000 coronavirus tests: ‘Data is showing’ it’s time to lift stay-at-home order


Two doctors in California whose facilities have administered more than 5,000 coronavirus tests say the virus is not more deadly than the seasonal flu, and stay-at-home orders across the country should be lifted.

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, who co-own Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, said, “The death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu,” according to ABC 23.

“If you study the numbers in 2017 and 2018, we had 50 to 60 million with the flu,” Erickson said. “And we had a similar death rate in the deaths the United States were 43,545 — similar to the flu of 2017-2018. We always have between 37,000 and 60,000 deaths in the United States, every single year. No pandemic talk. No shelter-in-place. No shutting down businesses.”

“Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no,” Erickson said during a press conference last week. “Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. Do we need to test them and get them back to work? Absolutely.” more

15 Comments on California doctors who administered 5,000 coronavirus tests: ‘Data is showing’ it’s time to lift stay-at-home order

  1. Here’s what we’re dealing with, one pinhead says she’ll stick with the experts saying, “This is the health of our community that is at stake.”

    So I guess losing your business or job, maybe your home too won’t affect your health?

    One thing for certain, you can now spot the morons that watch the media and believe them, they’re the ones wearing masks.

    Kill your TV.

  2. Most Californians will tap out of this silly horse shit soon. If they haven’t already. Not because they discovered it was bull shit. But because it’s boring.

  3. well the democrats were certainly more successful at this attempt to discredit DJT than the last three attempts.

    the deep state bureaucracy has finally dealt a blow with dr fauci and the scarf.
    both of whom are responsible for this disaster we find ourselves in.
    but the msm has blamed it all on DJT as usual.
    simply pathetic on their part.

  4. ….facts don’t matter if they scare you enough.

    My own wife, who’s been pretty level-headed and incredulous about the Demipanic to this point, flipped out when I told her it showed up at the plant today.

    Even though someone, LOTS of someones, get the flu here EVERY YEAR, and even though I got a SEVERE case ONE year, since THIS is the first year they felt they have to ANNOUNCE EVERY CASE, now she’s scared all anew and if my 75 year old mother-in-law dies at any time going forwards, it’s because I had the AUDACITY to try to make a living during flu season.


    …can’t wait to see where I’m gonna be living tonight, maybe she’ll just hang tarps around my chair and that’ll be my station, but she WON’T be happy about emptying my chamber pot, just sayin’…

  5. Bay area predicted to have 44,000 deaths. only 210 so far. Whatever they are doing must be working!!!!

    Did they stop to explain the 44,000 was probably the original prediction based on a model now shown to be demonstrably in error by more than 95%? Using their numbers the death rate is LESS THAN ONE HALF OF 1%!!!!

    The gloom and doomers can say the steps to limit spread, and thus certain (in their minds) death, are taking are correct and can never be proven wrong. Ever. That is a nice position to be in.

    The bottom line is these docs don’t give a rats ass about anything but driving our current President from office. That’s it. NOthing else matters.

    Oh, and my guess is those docs already have theirs. They don’t have to worry about mundane things like mortgages, car payments, or meeting a payroll.

  6. My useless prediction: states that are opening up this week will do just fine. Maybe a slight spike in COVID-19 cases, but the mortality rate will remain the same and hospitals will not be inundated.

    The politician pressers are doom and gloom, but the medical numbers don’t seem that scary. The economic numbers are frightening as hell, though.

  7. Want proof no matter what state you live in death numbers are padded?

    ARDMORE, Okla. (KXII) – Oklahoma state health officials reported Monday the first COVID-19 death in Carter County, an Ardmore woman in the 50-64 age group.

    Carter County Health Department Director Mendy Spohn said the woman was initially hospitalized with COVID-19, but was released after recovering and test results came back negative.

    Spohn said the woman’s condition deteriorated when she returned home, and she passed away over the weekend.

    Spohn also said the woman had other health problems.

  8. A stay at home order was never needed in the first place.

    And there is no definitive evidence it did anything at all to reduce the virus, if anything it might well have reduced overall public immunity which could make another round of it likely again soon.

  9. On the economy side of this I did two polls on FB a week ago, both on a FB group about reopening the state. They both now have over 500 votes.

    First poll was for those who had lost their jobs and asked if they were receiving unemployment.
    39% said yes, 61% said no.

    Out of those who said no, most had commented that they couldn’t get through because the online application kept crashing or telling them there was a problem and to call. Yet they can never get through to the number they were told to call. Others commented that they had been approved but still had not received their debit card.

    The second poll was asked only of those who were receiving unemployment.

    The question I asked was if the amount they were receiving was more than what they were making working.

    64% said yes and 36% said no.
    People who commented on it that were receiving more said they were receiving anywhere between $100 more per week up to $500 more per week. An extra $2000 a month is a good reason why some won’t want to go to back to work anytime soon.


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