San Francisco Bay Area Extends Lock-Down Order Throughout May – IOTW Report

San Francisco Bay Area Extends Lock-Down Order Throughout May

The Conservative Treehouse – It is being reported the San Francisco Bay area will remain in a state of forced lock-down with an extension of the stay-at-home orders throughout May. Considering this is the home of Speaker Nancy Pelosi,… this decision highlights an expectation that the federal government will bail out local and state governments.

We anticipated this type of approach where Blue states & Blue regions will keep their economies closed as long as possible to inflict maximum political damage. Simply, if San Francisco were not confident they will gain a federal bailout they would not be keeping their economic system closed for another entire month.

Read it here.

I received this link from a friend of mine who lives in the Bay area. She said that it is “not just a report any more–it’s true“. That’s FIVE more weeks of house arrest. Living in a state taken over by a tyrannical (D)emon governor, I sympathize with all the conservatives that live there.

35 Comments on San Francisco Bay Area Extends Lock-Down Order Throughout May

  1. Libs are apocalyptic we are opening stores and restaurants Saturday and Texas gov would not mandate masks. They are posting dire notices about people spreading the virus, killing others and dying themselves. Actually pretty entertaining watch them lose their minds.

  2. Are corona-positive leftists insane enough to travel to newly open red areas, deliberately spreading corona just to prove the red areas should have stayed locked down?

  3. “… this decision highlights an expectation that the federal government will bail out local and state governments …”

    How would that be done?

    By extacting taxes from the people of the States through the Federal government, which will take its cut along the way, and giving it to the States?

    Seems like it would be more efficient to just let the States extract it directly from their people and cut out the cost of the middle man (Federal government) in the process.

    But what do I know? After all, I’m just a tax payer and not a tax collector or tax distributor who knows how such things operate.

  4. Steny Hoyer announce that the House isn’t reopening next week. How can they give themselves bailouts when they aren’t open? They can’t. Meanwhile the Senate will reopen, I guess they will have to satisfy themselves by approving more judges!

  5. To bail them out would be rewarding bad fiscal judgement and practice, and continue that. Their pension funds are going bust. Those funds payout the bloated pensions of the retired political elite. I don’t have anything to do with it. At all. Why should I bail them out with tax dollars? These folks ran the government, and set up their golden parachutes while they did it. In the era of common core.
    I was thinking the other day, that the sidewalk pooping in the west coast cities might have been attempts at localized wuhan virus type events. That was hepatitis, and it didn’t take off for them. They would have asked for bailouts based on that if it had worked. Right now, they’re as little children, holding their breath, doing nothing and pouting.
    “God helps those who help themselves”
    I’m sorry, but I ain’t gonna change their diaper.

  6. DO NOT BAIL OUT CALIFORNIA. Our state needs to fail all on its own, and take the Dem legislators and pols with it.

    I may have to get a violin and stand in for Newsom when it all burns.

  7. DO NOT BAIL OUT CALIFORNIA. Our state needs to fail all on its own, and take the Dem legislators and pols with it.

    I will get a violin and stand in for Newsom when it all burns.

  8. SF Bay Area resident
    Cali has shut down most of it’s revenue producing avenues. Gas Tax, down to nothing, sales tax, nobodies buying shit. As a California Conservative I’ve decided I hope they keep this up for a year. Although I think we will hit critical mass within 6 months.
    I too will have a violin.

  9. @Bad Brad: Progressives love money and power, and the shutdown is definitely affecting California’s money. The power thing is a double-edged sword; the Bay area is toeing the line, but in places like Orange County the natives are getting restless.

    So what’s your theory on the endgame? Force the Federal government to bail out the state, and in particular the upside down pensions?

  10. The FED will have to figure out a way to bailout California. Can you imagine our President signing off on that? I can’t.

    How many violins are in California and will they play the same song?

  11. ode to the exalted classes:
    .a useless a**hole name of newsom
    .went to the wrong place for to screw-some
    .some f*** tried to drill him,
    .then wanted to bill him,
    .while dreaming of andrew d. gill-um

  12. Elections have consequences. California don’t move you’re red diaper doper baby buns to Arizona. We are having enough problems with Governor Douchebag Ducey and Senator McPhony.

  13. @Brad–

    We can play a duet. You can stand in for Newsom, I’ll stand in for Pelosi (although I’ll need to get a plastic mask).

  14. Wyatt,

    I don’t know. They have me confused. The big finance wreck is real and coming down the tracks.
    Cali Libtards want your money. But they also want control over the individual. That’s how they get their power. Right now they’re telling you when to work, when to shop, when you can go outside, and who and when you can be social with. Is this something they want to see permanent?
    I would imagine they would.
    They have also gained power over many businesses and all churches.
    I guess we’ll need to see what they have in mind.

  15. Sacramento County, where I live, will follow suit.
    The state capital pols will not disappoint Gavin.

    Do not bail out the state.
    Why should a Texas or Florida, or any other non-California tax payer, send a nickel here.
    Most of would got to non-Covid19 hands reaching out, state pension obligations need the cash, in a huge way.
    Too bad.



    Mitch from Ky says federal taxeswill help (aka “Bail out”) Cal. If Mitchs says fed taxesgoe west they go West.

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