Does Anyone Know What We Do Next? – IOTW Report

Does Anyone Know What We Do Next?

I was talking to a friend about contacting my state senator and representative about the house arrest we are under from Gov Witless (D-MI). I told her about the positive response I received from my representative and she replied that I was lucky to have “someone who apparently has an open(ing) mind.”

She said that she was contacting her state and federal senators and representatives. She will also contact her regional and local officials. I also think contacting city hall, the county sheriff, local police and the judicial branch from state to local would be good.

The next question would be what are the next steps after that (which will be harder).

One thing I thought of – will there be true conservative patriots who are willing to run for office regional/state/country-wide to defeat the left (including RINOs)?

Another step I think needs to be done: we as Christians, need to get our churches involved in revival – we need to get on our knees and repent. We need to thank God for who he is, LORD of all. We must plead for his forgiveness and mercy as we work to open our country back up to his influence. Get him back in schools, art, media, politics (YES, this mantra of “separation of church and state” must be dumped into the dustbin of revolution), etc. Morality must return to our country, as John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” We have seen the result of his warning.

What else can you think of doing prior to the shooting?

41 Comments on Does Anyone Know What We Do Next?

  1. MLK did it without shooting (although I am prepared to if it came to that). Overwhelm the system with a flood of people with the same sense of purpose. There are plenty in the system who feel the same way – council members, sheriffs, judges, etc. – and it won’t take that long. Too many people tired of house arrest, and every day that number grows.

  2. Paying cash for local goods and services, starting with the $1200 stimulus payment, and every opportunity from here on out.

    Not buying things made in China.

    Encouraging sensible friends and their relations to vote, even –and especially– if it means they have to do jury duty.

  3. Has anyone else tried cooking popcorn in coconut oil? It’s all solid and white and melts in the pan. Makes it taste like movie theater popcorn.

    Everything else gets cooked with lard. Yes lard. The hell did we give up lard for vegetable oil from Canada for?

  4. That John Adams quote, God bless him, always made sense to me and is the Founders clincher.

    That part of the Constitution, DoI, and the Gettysburg speech all reference? God. I wonder how atheists wrestle with this, maybe they don’t?? Pretzel ‘logic’ and ‘reason’ I am told.

    Do not be triggered by them, they will be the ones to pull the trigger, on themselves. And that has NOTHING to do with a bullet.

    Keep the ‘mental’ powder dry, that is what we do… for now.

    Their, the Left’s mental powder is WET, as in SOAKED, and it’s pouring rain for them right now, no tent, no fire…no starter match.

  5. like Tom Cruise said in ‘Risky Business’ … “sometimes you just gotta say ‘what the f*uck’ ”

    Rebel! become a Patriot! … if we all go out, frequent businesses, go about our lives … they can’t arrest us all!

    Civil Disobedience! got to your city & county council meetings. demand your unalienable rights that no government can take away! … we threw off the shackles of the most powerful government in the world … we can do it again!

    Don’t Tread On Me! take back the government … We The People, baby!

  6. I think I’ll make some coconut oil popcorn now. Melted butter after it’s done and a movie. Too bad I don’t have any good movies to watch. I guess popcorn is good enough.

  7. Makes sense. I mean the rational thing to do is to jump from mildly inconvenienced to ZERO YER RIFLEZ!!!!!1

    Seems like the adult thing to do.

    I dunno’, maybe I’m sympathetic because I’ve been hearing the same BLOWHARD FAKE TOUGH GUY BULLSHIT SINCE THE FUCKING 1980’S.

    Go do it. Sick of hearing this shit. Go grab your fucking rifle and save the nation. The hell is stopping you? Are you a mewling quim who just talks shit or are you gonna’ stand behind your infantile words.

    Go get some Private Pyle, we’re all waiting.

    P.S. coconut oil burns at a lower temp so you gotta be a little patient with it. Also has all the movies. Screw hollywood. After making me listen to “Imagine” those choads owe me.

  8. Seriously,
    What are they going to do?
    Just like Obama’s bullshit healthcare mandate.
    I pay your fine.
    But my neck is straight and unbowed.
    Just open up your business and keep a stick for unctuous idiots who wander too close and you can use to stick to prod them into a corner.

  9. @Burr ~ didn’t Creepy Joe butter his Popcorn in the pool w/ lard pomade?

    … or was that coconut oil for his hairy legs so the kids could rub him while on his lap?

  10. The was a non-answer, Burr. Horsecrap. Stay on your Arizona pad and twiddle your thumbs while the nation crumbles. Tough it out.

    Claudia asked a legitimate question – and you spewed presumptive horseshit.

  11. I pretty much think God is the only thing going to save us. He’s all I have hope in. I’ve seen too many who should know better who are on the fear and obey train.

    I read somewhere the other day, “f… it, just let the damn thing crash and burn and we’ll see if there’s anything left to build from the ashes.”
    Being as how I know God doesn’t always give us what we want and we don’t see the big picture, that’s about to the point where I’m at.

    I’ll keep my powder dry, but not to fight a revolution, because one old lady and old man and our kids and their spouses would be dead before we fired the first shot without an army behind us and I don’t see an army. It will be to protect what’s mine and my food as long as I’m able.

  12. We are not locked down in Oregon like so many other states.
    But we still have asinine tape on the floors to assist in keeping that fucking, dumb-assed ‘six foot social distancing’ how fucking stupid…

    I basically ignore all their stupid kiss-ass crap. What are they gonna do…..not sell their product to me??

    If I were living in the more dictatorial liberal states, I’d be in jail by now.

    Oregon’s bad enough, as for the other states……I would probably be shooting by now.

  13. @OldRacistWhitWoman ~ I don’t think God is going to save us any more than he saved the Jews from their ultimate destruction at the hands of the Romans

    though I do believe in the Hand of Provenance (from the Lord) guiding us … we have to grasp the reins, as our forefathers (& mothers) did & take our place in the line

    at this point we either ‘man-up’ or become … ‘workers’

  14. @Old Racist White Woman

    I’m nowhere near being a ‘tough’ guy. We all have a part to play when the SHTF.
    Anything from killing the bad guys to just keeping score….it all adds up.

  15. “Are you a mewling quim who just talks shit or are you gonna’ stand behind your infantile words”.
    You are correct. Read a few “kill them all, let God sort them out.” Blogs and you realize nobodies doing shit. We have established no command and control. No line of secure communication. There are small militias that practice. The Boogaloo won’t be started by a Militia or a Conservative. The Boogaloo starts the day after Trump gets re elected.

  16. The only end game the smellocratic
    party has is the destruction of
    POTUS Trump.

    There is no known plan after that.

    Their only plan is the destruction
    of POTUS Trump.

    They currently exist for that purpose

  17. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, I don’t think He will save us either unless we save ourselves. That though would take first turning our Churches back over to God, then our country.
    I do though know He will help each of us individually, just not maybe in the way we’re asking for.

    Maybe this is the end. I know I’ve heard that all my life, but I have also seen a lot of changes in my life and it seems like every time you think, “that will never happen in my lifetime,” within a decade or less it’s happening.

  18. @Bad_Brad, many of the kill them all, pry it from cold dead hands folks are now cowering in fear over a virus, telling the rest of us we’re the walking plague, walking around killing everyone by breathing and need to obey our government.

  19. What are we going to do was the question.
    You know what I did at the Safeway on top of Queen Anne hill in Seattle;they had us lined up like sheep to get in, 6 feet apart, waited my turn as I needed something came out and walked past the others still in line. And then in a Loud voice said to the manager who was letting people in one at a time, this is what Communism looks like and he said yep,got called a few names by the people in line but guess what,no more waiting out side to get into Safeway.
    It struck a nerve.
    Stand up it works.

  20. Indiana Back to Work Rally information:

    Date: Friday, May 1
    Time: 1:30 pm ET
    Location: Indiana Statehouse (200 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46204) on the south lawn or a drive rally around the Statehouse for those that prefer this option
    For More Information, visit:

    Purpose: Hoosiers from all over the state will be joining in unity alongside business owners to say to Governor Holcomb and our State Legislators, “Enough! Open Up Indiana”. The date of May 1st was selected because Gov. Holcomb will be holding a press conference during the Rally time to give his vision on who he deems will be the ‘next essentials’. Let’s let our voices be loud and clear.

  21. What else can you think of doing prior to the shooting?

    Free Cheetos. With free delivery. Even if you don’t order them.

    If we’re going to strive as we can, from each according to his ability, to extend Baal/Moloch/Legion’s glorious reign, we should make it yummy.

  22. Aaron Burr.. YES… Coconut oil for popcorn. I also use my wok to cook it up. It works perfectly and no burned kernels. Funny… I just bought lard. I was going to try to fry some chicken in it. An experiment. I read about someone cooking in it and it turned out great!

  23. Thanks to all who proposed suggestions. The one thing that seems to be working is civil disobedience and protests.

    I have been gleefully involved in civil disobedience. The same week that my surgeon approved me to drive, Gov. Witless put us on house arrest. I’ve been driving all around, going into stores (whether I needed anything or not), took my car in for some maintenance, strolled in several parks, and bought some of the no-no products she ‘banned’. There have been stores that have arrow and places where you ‘must’ stand in line that I ignore. I’ve gotten glares from customers that I respond to with a big smile on my unmasked face.

    I don’t know what else to do, but I have noticed in the last two weeks that there are more and more people joining the civil disobedience phase of push-back. Can they arrest us all? Will they dare arrest us all?

  24. I’m still working everyday, I go shopping when I need something and picking things up for others and delivering them. Went to Lowe’s for two replacement doors. Hired two of the neighbors boys to do yard work and pull bushes. They were thankful as both have been laid off and truck payments still come. I figured the money I was going to spend on a new chain saw would be better spent helping my neighbors.

  25. The rebels get killed – ALWAYS.
    It was the rebels of 1905 that led to the revolution of 1917.
    Huge difference between the ideologically pure beliefs of the rebellious and the political savvy of the revolutionary.
    If you want to stop – or even disrupt – the flow of tyranny, then the rebels must do their part and lead the way into the grave. What’s his name, the Greek dude, who stood up to The Thirty was dragged from the Agora and murdered in front of the entire city. The Thirty were (eventually) overthrown, but what’s his name (Theremanes?) didn’t profit much by his stand, though he did put some heart into the Athenians.

    That’s just the way it works. So, zero your rifle, if that’s your fate. Take a steady aim – but with full cognizance that you will surely die.
    We’re right behind you!

    izlamo delenda est …


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