Biden falls asleep while Hillary is endorsing him – IOTW Report

Biden falls asleep while Hillary is endorsing him

ht/ c. steven tucker

29 Comments on Biden falls asleep while Hillary is endorsing him

  1. This is all so surreal. Not just this Hildebeast endorsement, but the whole alternative universe that the democrats and their propaganda mouthpiece media have created, and are peddling to their TDS and/or generally useful idiot constituents.

    I hate to say it, but I’m beginning to feel helpless just watching the evil propaganda campaign that is being perpetrated on the truly misguided and low information public.

  2. stirrin – You said it! All you can do is shake your head in disbelief that this is actually happening and hope that November brings us some relief. Most people in this country have to see what’s going on! They can’t be that blind… can they??? The ONLY way we will be rid of these MSM propaganda-pushers is to decisively un-elect democRATs in spades! It won’t stop the under-the-table funding of them, but it will send a strong message!

  3. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is not sleeping, he’s reviewing his notes. He’s considering his options. Obiden Bama wants this to go smoothly. Doctor Jill and Humper want it to go smoothly too. Mustn’t make a mess of it. Concentrate! Wake the hell up, Joe! OK, he’s sleeping. So what? At least he’s not snoring. It is very tiring being locked away from reality.

  4. I guess He ate the Apple Hillary sent Him….It’s up to the

    Seven Mental Dwarves to save Him…Or perhaps Justin TruD’oh

    will ride up and Kiss Him Dead on the Lips..

  5. @Ann Nonymous Prime:


    He was just playing dead.

    Better to play dead than actually BE dead, which is likely what she’s eventually planning.

    Exactly. He was frozen in fear of saying or doing anything that might trigger H-Rod into ordering his Arkancide.

  6. Her turn again, she ain’t getting any younger ya know. Frankly, I would love to see her lose a hundred times. That’s it dear, get those fireworks and balloons ready.

  7. Brown Eyed Girl @

    This really must be the the must humiliating thing she has had to do since being thrown into a black van like a sack of potatoes and climbing up the stairs to her airplane with a S–T Stain on her pants.

    She is endorsing a bigger pervert than Monica’s Ex Boyfriend.

  8. The Hildabeast is there for visibility, so that when Biden is deemed unfit (or has an accident), she can swoop in for her coronation. She does not have any moral, ethical, or political problem with him being her placeholder.

    Mark my words, she will be the replacement nominee after their sham convention.


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