Look at this stupid shirt – and I mean stupid – IOTW Report

Look at this stupid shirt – and I mean stupid

I wonder if he could hear me snickering at his shirt from 6 feet away?

Read it again.

32 Comments on Look at this stupid shirt – and I mean stupid

  1. It would be the last punch he ever threw if tried that crap with me.

    leftists have gone insane…. drunk with power they do not care anymore if what they do is worse than hitler because they feel above the law in every way and thanks to our do-nothing DOJ they are correct.

  2. You’re not your and he looks to be closer than 6 feet to the person in front of him and behind him.

    Hey, I did tell an old lady who didn’t mind her own business that came up to tell me one person one basket with my 3 year old granddaughter beside me, that she wasn’t 6 feet away from me and was close enough for me to knock the shit out of her. She’s lucky I can control my temper in my old age.

  3. @BFH – he will not ‘hear’ much with those hearing aids, will he?

    No need to snicker, you can laugh out LOUD, with the same non effectiveness, at this AAAAAASSSSHOOOOOOLE dipshit.

  4. If he carries through on his likely idle threat, he will be cuffs after a close encounter with 5 police officers and then stuffed in a holding cell for a day with a dozen other tough guys before seeing the judge. Talk about his possible virus exposure.

    That is assuming he did not threaten a mild-mannered CCW holder who shoots him dead.

  5. Almost as bad as a tat that is misspelled.

    For many years I did service work at a hospital that had reserved parking for service vehicles. There was a very well made sign for the reserved parking area: [Parking for Service Vehicals Only]. No one ever made them correct the spelling on the sign.

    And the case of a Mushroom Club, that has the nickname – Destroying Angels (which is also a nickname for deadly all-white mushrooms in the genus Amanita) – Onee year they had club tee shirts mistakenly printed with – Destroying Angles.

    (the late Gary Lincoff (author of The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushroom & other books) said he had interviewed a few people who had eaten the white mushrooms and managed to live. Each of them said they had a delicious flavor)

  6. Blink,
    In the West Underground Garage of the House Office Buildings there was a sign reading “Low Clarence” over the entrance to the tunnel to the East Underground which hung unmolested for almost 30 years.

    izlamo delenda est …

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