The Sausage Factory That Is Our Congress: Who Really Writes Our Laws? – IOTW Report

The Sausage Factory That Is Our Congress: Who Really Writes Our Laws?


You see, congress doesn’t actually write legislation. The last item of legislation written by congress was sometime around the mid 1990’s. Modern legislation is sub-contracted to K-Street. Lobbyists write the laws; congress sells the laws; lobbyists then pay congress commissions for passing their laws. That’s the modern legislative business in DC. More

24 Comments on The Sausage Factory That Is Our Congress: Who Really Writes Our Laws?

  1. Somewhat correct. Congress critters are only figureheads. The ones really running things are the fresh out of college 20-somethings that comprise their staff and feed the puppet with ideas and decision points. Want a meeting with the good senator or congressman? Get in good with their staff. They call the shots and tell the critter what’s important and what’s not.

  2. The DemHouse is cowering at home. Trump and the Senate
    are in DC working. Food store clerks make them look like the dogshit they are. All you need to know about cowardice
    in “leaders”, written large.

  3. The DemHouse is cowering at home. Trump and the Senate
    are in DC working hard. Even lowly paid but brave food store clerks make them look like the dogshit they are. All you need to know about cowardice in house “leaders”, written large.

  4. K Street, Academia, and Staffers.
    I met a lot of House Members in my 36 year sojourn on the Hill – and most of em are just too damned busy to sit down and write all that hogwash. A few were too fukkin stupid – but a rare few – and don’t ever kid yourselves – those are smart people for the most part – some brilliant – ALL people-people. The highest echelon of used-car salesmen.
    Academics, Foundations, and Lobbyists are MORE than willing (and able) to craft Legislation for their own interests.
    Why didn’t anyone ever ask how Obola-Care, a 1500 page monstrosity, was instantly available? Anybody dumb enough to believe that Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, and Gruber sat down and pounded that out?
    ComIntern, or its contemporary, had it ready to go.
    Had to pass it to see what’s in it was taken from Hitler’s Emergency Declaration passed by that Parliament 1933.

    Just imagine, for a second, a Legislative Bill actually written by Clyburn? Pelosi? Biden? Clay? Meeks? Waters? “Ooom-pha-loom-pha, yo …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Almighty God, please help us out of the mess we’re in right now, unworthy as we are. Father, I beseech thee to destroy the legions of demons that dwell in every crack and crevice of our representative government and whom seek to destroy every vestige of honesty and morality that so few of us still cling to. You are the only hope we have Heavenly Father and, I pray that you will save us from any further decline into this hell on earth that has been visited on us, for your namesake and for your glory. In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I trust and I pray… Amen

  6. Based on congress’s “achievements” over the prior three and a half years, I would think that any thinking person would consider them “non-essential”.
    I still think that 5 million pissed off Americans, all armed with a railroad spike and a three pound maul, could improve this situation quickly ala Vlad!

  7. Here’s how it works using real life examples:

    1. A law whose stated intention is to make health care more affordable to the public will be written by the following groups:

    a. Lobbyists working for health insurance companies looking to have people forced to buy their shitty product.

    b. Lobbyists working for pharmaceutical companies looking to force people to pay through the nose for their shitty product as well as being required to take it.

    c. Marxist democrat front groups pretending to be health care consumer advocates looking to make the middle class pay for “free” health care for the shit people who vote democrat.

    2. A law whose stated intention is to rein in abusive trade practices by China:

    a. Lobbyists working for the PRC to ensure they can keep fucking the US in the ass with their shitty trade practices.

    b. Lobbyists working for US companies that want to ship jobs over to the PRC because they’re too stupid to see that the PRC is gonna steal all their IP.

    c. Marxist democrat front groups pretending to be US worker and consumer advocates looking to destroy the economy of the US; so they can, one day, turn us into a shittier, far less functional version of the PRC.

    3. A law whose stated intention is to rein in illegal immigration:

    a. Lobbyists working for countries that want to dump their excess, dysfunctional populations on US shores; so they can benefit from remittance payments when those people get on the dole and start sending money back home, because they’ll never consider the US their home.

    b. Lobbyist working for US companies that hire illegal aliens because those companies are cheap ass motherfuckers who won’t manage their businesses properly.

    c. Marxist democrat front groups pretending to be immigration advocates looking to flood the country with third worlders who will only vote for democrats, legally or otherwise.

  8. When you consider the total amount of ignorance and fraud being offered/committed by our ‘leaders’, one cannot help but believe voter fraud in America is pandemic and a much greater threat than any virus.

  9. @Crackerbaby:

    Based on congress’s “achievements” over the prior three and a half years, I would think that any thinking person would consider them “non-essential”.

    I’ll take it a step further: most congressvermin are ANTI-essential. The interfere with and obstruct knowledgeable and productive people who ARE essential.

  10. I saw, I think, Art Laffer, the other day propose the idea that pay to congress and their staffs ought to be linked to the state of the economy and rate of employment.

    If the economy is growing their pay is increased. If the economy is slowing their pay is reduced. If the economy is really crappy, their pay is reduced to zero.

    I’d would add the idea that whenever one of them is finally voted out of office. Everyone working on their staff is banned for 5~ 10 years from working as staff for any other office holder or lobbying firm. To prevent them from continuing to be the puppeteer of the figureheads.


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