CNN quotes “Insiders” saying they overheard phone convo where Trump threatened to sue campaign manager – LOL – IOTW Report

CNN quotes “Insiders” saying they overheard phone convo where Trump threatened to sue campaign manager – LOL

Wasn’t this “overheard phone convo” the same damn thing they tried to take Trump down with before? How well did that go?

But still, CNN trots out “unnamed sources” and cobbles together a story designed to make Trump look, not only bad, but as if he’s worried he’s losing to Biden.

I’m scraping this entire Newser article with no link. They are just as bad as CNN, pedaling this horseshit.

They even repeat the lie that Trump “told people to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

The left latches onto a falsehood and hammers away knowing that they will fool the lowest IQ people in the country – their voter base – and have them repeating it like the regressive dirtnecks they are.


President Trump was in a dark mood last week and even threatened to sue his campaign manager over falling poll numbers, CNN reports. Three insiders tell the network that during a Friday meeting with advisors—including campaign manager Brad Parscale, who was on the phone from Florida—Trump unloaded on Parscale and threatened to see him in court. Parscale, along with RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and other advisors, were encouraging Trump to cut back on his combative press briefings or stop taking questions from reporters, officials tell the Washington Post. Trump’s suggestion that Americans inject disinfectants to curb the coronavirus sparked a particularly bad spate of news reports.

Trump was angry “because he knows he messed up in those briefings,” said a Republican connected to the administration. But CNN admits it’s not clear whether Trump’s lawsuit threat was serious, and an insider tells the Post it was only a joke. What’s more, Parscale flew back to the White House on Wednesday, strategized with Trump, and got his OK for a series of campaign ads criticizing Joe Biden over his positions on China. Among other details from the roiling week, Trump is said to have rejected polling data that showed him slipping behind Biden in key swing states: “I’m not losing to Joe Biden,” the president said

6 Comments on CNN quotes “Insiders” saying they overheard phone convo where Trump threatened to sue campaign manager – LOL

  1. I still have strong doubts that Jackass Joe will be on the ballot in November. It smells like bait & switch to me.
    Meanwhile I have zero expectations that CNN or the rest of the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media will ever change until the American people demonstrate that they are fed up with democRAT skullduggery!

  2. “Insiders” today reported that Chris Cuomo (aka Fredo) releases a salamander up into his anus nightly, every night, just before he goes on the air.


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