Roger Stone Gets 30-Day Reprieve From Reporting To Prison – IOTW Report

Roger Stone Gets 30-Day Reprieve From Reporting To Prison

ABC News

Sources with direct knowledge tell ABC News that the Federal Bureau of Prisons late Wednesday advised Roger Stone’s team that they plan to delay his surrender date to begin his prison sentence by at least 30 days because of COVID-19. More

6 Comments on Roger Stone Gets 30-Day Reprieve From Reporting To Prison

  1. The mad dog proggies in the DOJ railroaded this old but
    harmless bigmouth to scare anyone who was a sometime buddy of Trump in order to send a message to any supporter who
    sticks his head up too high.
    The Donald should pardon the old poop and Barr should make
    sure anyone in the DOJ involved be sent to our Kenyan
    embassy as a legal assistant to the Consulate.
    There they can enjoy visiting BO’s birthplace.

  2. I hope he used Avenatti’s ‘whuflu excuse’ as ‘precedent’ in that court room. IOW, he made an offer to the judge that the judge could not refuse…

    Glad to hear about this.

  3. With the FBI’s treasons and abuses coming out over the Flynn case, this one should be looked into, too.

    That the FBI (CIA, NSA, &c.) is treasonously corrupt is beyond all doubt.
    That the Judiciary is complicit in that corruption is, as well (SCOTUS, Circuit, and FISA absolutely for sure).

    How long do we endure? We need only look at the century past to see where this leads.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Roger Stone Gets 30-Day Reprieve From Reporting To Prison”

    …big deal. Hillary got a LIFETIME reprieve from reporting To prison, as did Barry, Bill, Mooch, Joe, John, etc, etc., usw…pretty much EVERY Dem and their honorary members like McCain, Bushes, Dewine, etc., have NO law that binds them in the FIRST place, so prisons are for Republicans and breeding criminals for Democrat use…


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