Trusting government forces a false famine – IOTW Report

Trusting government forces a false famine

Canada Free Press: This worldwide economic collapse was not serendipitous, nor was the unloosing of a “pandemic” on fear-filled populations. Coincidences are not accidental – the nature of the word tells us as much. Co–incidence: two or more events occurring at the same time.

Rarely do things happen together by chance. God sees to timelines and Man, well, Man is hell-bent on engineering social wreckage for personal gain. Self-preservation is embedded in Man’s nature, often at the expense of others or, to be truthful, purposefully at the expense of others.

False famine created by an inflated fear of a virus

Fallout from the coronavirus-blamed demolition of the American economy, which affects the rest of the world, is a hardship our country has avoided for generations – famine. But it’s a false famine created by an inflated fear of a virus that has proven to be a fraction as deadly as the seasonal flu.

The threatened famine is both physical and spiritual.

The tangible side of the famine is the expected breakdown of the food and commodity supply chain in a nation where food is moved from the farm to a processing or distribution center to the marketplace. Interrupt the transport of food from a locked-down grower to a closed food processing plant to a restricted distribution center to a limited access retailer and you have – famine. Shortage engineered by liberal-infested government agencies, media and the billionaire powerbrokers that own and fund them.

Against this monolith that has been allowed to grow in what began as a free society there is fragmented defiance. The edifice of “leadership” has been corrupted by decades of apathy; a populace that has been bought-off and appeased by government programs devised to entrench power in the state and federal capitals. keep reading

18 Comments on Trusting government forces a false famine

  1. True Pizza Tales
    Location: Last Night
    After 8
    Only Half-Uber Half-Pizza Joints Open
    Me: Hungry
    Pizza Place: Sorry, only internet phone orders
    Me: No Phone . . . Cash
    Pizza Place: Does Not Compute. Goodbye
    Me: ???

    F U Bank of America

  2. @BFH – now when I see Fauci? He has that Phil Rizzuto look. No? That might not make ANY sense to Met fans or non Yankee fans…’holy cow, we’re not going to make it’…

    Phil was one of the greatest ‘short’ stops in history btw, Fauci not so much.

  3. How are we to develop herd immunity if we are focked down? Time for this old fool to retire. He does not even pay attention to what he says! I don’t care whose friend he is, he brought the POX on us by subsiding the lab with our money, rectal orofice!

  4. This article made me realize how grateful I am to know local farmers, grocers, fishers, hunters, and pastors –and even a trucker. We know each other’s personal cell numbers and home addresses. We pay cash, barter, wait patiently for partial payments, and do each other favors without keeping count. So glad I’m not stuck in a fancy city apartment, ordering restaurant delivery and trying to reach my broker or ‘personal banker’ on an 800 number…

    Big crises, whether personal or political, make me appreciate my little world.

  5. Erik Erik Erik…… we do not want to impugn firearms……. Three pound maul and a railroad spike if we are not up to strangulation. I knew an old fellow who once observed a groundhog decimating his garden. Having had a few drinks the old fellow attacked the groundhog with a “display” samurai sword.. It took my Father 30 minutes to beat the animal to death and he spent the next two hours puking… A Man who had been in Normandy in June of 44 as a 21 year old! Unfortunately, I think he regretted killing that groundhog the remainder of his life.
    He would not believe what we are doing today.

  6. Sadly, there is a real threat of a global famine. I’ve seen estimates of up to 265 million people, globally, starving in the next year. Starving is a horrible way to die.

    But, hey- bless big pharma. bayer stepped in and bought monsanto. What could go wrong there? Now they can not only create nutritional illnesses, they can also sell the medications to treat the symptoms. They won’t cure the cause, but they’ll sure set you up with 90 day prescription refills.
    WTF is up with our country and agriculture? It has become mono-cutural farming, as farmers are pressured to plant only the gmo seeds provided. I won’t rant abut this, here or now, but just be prepared for when a virus is released that attacks the ’roundup ready’ crops. That genetic manipulation is present in many, if not most crops today. There are sick enough, and evil enough, persons in the world to do such things. Ever wonder why russia doesn’t allow gmo’s? The answer is strategic.
    The left celebrates ‘diversity’ when it comes to lifestyle or ‘gender fluidity,’ but not in agriculture.
    Plant and cultivate heirloom crops, please.

  7. There are several experts who have opined that almost all famines are caused by politics. As an example, I would recommend P.J. O’Rourke’s account of traveling through Somalia during that country’s famine in the 1990s – he describes people starving in a sea of food.

  8. We meed to pay attention to what is truly being done, and why it is being done.

    A verse to meditate on that may give some insight:

    Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them.” -Darby

    The fuller scripture of Matthew 18: 15-20 might give further insight if you can spare the time to read it.

  9. I strongly recommend avoiding so-called “Cultured Meats”… those grown in laboratories from animal stem cells.

    Ask yourself, “How many ways do THEY want to cull the world’s population, short of nuclear annihilation?”

    A nuke would be far less painful and prolonged.

  10. Both reasonable questions Dan, I suppose the answers are, Any time you wish and because WE are not organized…. Random and individually “we” are impotent. Get shot down like a rabid dog and treated as such in the media. THAT gets “us” no where (except dead).

  11. @Dan Knowles May 2, 2020 at 10:12 am

    > Serious question…When can we start shooting?
    > Another…Why haven’t we yet?

    Two questions… Same answer.

    “We are not terrorists! We are not filthy populists! We are patriots! Loyal to The Party! The Republic! The One, True, Evil, Corrupt Party! So,

    We await the officially official Party directive: ‘It’s go time.'”

    (Which, conveniently, will be sent to all “smart” phones. By non-disable-able Presidential SMS. Carrier charges may apply.)

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