US Women’s Soccer “Equal Pay” Case Gets Booted – IOTW Report

US Women’s Soccer “Equal Pay” Case Gets Booted


A federal judge threw out the unequal pay claim by players on the U.S. women’s national soccer team in a surprising loss for the defending World Cup champions but allowed their allegation of discriminatory working conditions to go to trial. Players led by Alex Morgan sued in March 2019, claiming they have not been paid equally under their collective bargaining agreement to what the men’s national team receives under its labor deal. They asked for more than $66 million in damages under the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In a 32-page decision Friday, U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner granted in part a motion for partial summary judgment by the U.S. Soccer Federation. He threw out the Equal Pay Act allegations but left intact the Civil Rights Act claims.

“The history of negotiations between the parties demonstrates that the WNT rejected an offer to be paid under the same pay-to-play structure as the MNT, and the WNT was willing to forgo higher bonuses for benefits, such as greater base compensation and the guarantee of a higher number of contracted players,” Klausner wrote. More

21 Comments on US Women’s Soccer “Equal Pay” Case Gets Booted

  1. It’s simple. Pay them the same when they beat the men’s team…..HA HA HA HA !…..

    Soccer, in general, sucks because those involved never learned how to catch a ‘high sky’ baseball. Never learned how to catch a hard line drive, a slicing floater, a deep hard hit ball. They never learned the first step is most critical…..

  2. Soccer sucks period. We never played soccer when I was growing up in the 60’s, we played baseball, football, basketball, all American sports and not foreign sports like soccer. Soccer came later into popularity in the 70’s when everything else was changing in our society as well.

  3. “Hey, we want to be paid the same as men even though our games don’t bring in as much money as the men’s games do. That will sure make soccer a viable sport that supports paying players.”

  4. Well, sure, because I want to pay a lot of money to watch a bunch of hostile lesbians run up and down a field and then watch them kneel during our national anthem and desecrate our flag while playing on foreign soil. Where do I get those expensive tickets?!

    If they want men’s pay, let them do the transgender thing.

  5. I watch sports to see a high level of competition and OMG skill. So for basketball, I watch the men. For gymnastics, it’s pretty well split 50/50. For soccer, I watch when one of my nieces is playing and the rest of the time I don’t give a fuck about the sport. But if I did, I’d watch the men.

  6. It’s simple supply and demand. There aint much demand for soccer, especially women’s soccer. Sorry ladies, but women’s sports in general can’t compete with men’s sports – except golf, damn there are some hot women on the LPGA tour. And tennis…but anyway, I digress. The salaries reflect the revenues, which reflect the quality of product, which reflect the demand.

    Now, if you want to consider uniforms like the old Lingerie Football League, well maybe you might get a slight raise. But then again AA got it right: who wants to pay to see a bunch of hostile lesbians prove their masculinity.

  7. …if it takes 32 pages of legalistic blathersgate to tell them that the root problem is that no one likes chick SOCCER, the tome they’re going to have to produce when they eventually have to explain the to the WNBA that no one likes chick BASKETBALL either is gonna be so HUGE it will have its own gravitational field because it will be a DOUBLE preferred status group THEN…

  8. Equal pay for Equal attendance.
    Equal price for equal quality.
    Neither of those are present in women’s soccer.

    What I tell soccer (Euro Football) fans is:
    Get an NFL team to play against Manchester United
    First Half Soccer
    Second half Football
    post game commentary in the Emergency Room

  9. Speaking of women’s soccer, I just heard this on Portland radio the other day:
    “GOOOOOOOD MORNING PORTLAND!!!!!! Get ready for KBOO day at the Portland Thorns on the 19th! Women’s soccer at its finest! We’ve got 12 Thorns tickets to give away throughout the day. To get things rolling, the third caller during the next song who can tell us the first name of the Thorns’ team captain will win a pair of free tickets to the Thorns game on Thursday the 19th.”

    “We’re back! Don’t forget that Thursday, the 19th is KBOO day at the Thorns! You can join Derek & Suzy, Portland’s craziest DJ’s, with two free – yep, I said FREE – tickets to the Thorns. Be the first caller during the next song to tell us the team captain’s first or last name and you’ll be hanging with us at the Thorns!”

    “Yep! We’re back and remember Thursday the 19th is KBOO day at the Thorns! Be the first caller to tell us the name of the team – that’s all you have to do, just say the team’s name – and you will win four free tickets to the Thorns!”

    “OK, we’re back and don’t forget Thursday the 19th is KBOO day at the Portland Thorns! If you’re the first caller who can tell us what city the PORTLAND Thorns are from, we’ll give you four free tickets and a coupon for a free hot dog and the beverage of your choice at Thursday’s Portland Thorns game. So call right away.”

    “Annnnnnd, we’re back! Don’t miss KBOO day at the Thorns this Thursday! We’re giving away free tickets and the first caller will win 12 free tickets in the VIP area, access to the VIP lounge, free parking, a free Thorny mascot bobble head and unlimited free hot dogs and beer.”

    “Well, I guess we’re back. It’s KBOO day at the Thorns on Thursday the 19th! The first caller will win 12 free tickets in the VIP area, free parking, a free Thorny mascot bobble head and a catered steak and lobster dinner in the VIP lounge with two free bottles of wine. You don’t even really have to watch the game, you can just drink in the lounge. So call in now!”

    “OK, we’re back and we’ve got a caller! Caller No. 1, you’re on the air….”
    “Hello, this is John Watson from All-Star Plumbers…”
    “Congratulations John! You’ve just won 12 free tickets to the Thorns game on…”
    “Actually, I’m calling to give you an estimate on replacing the float valve in the employee break room toilet…”
    “Great! You can pick up your tickets, parking passes and VIP lounge coupons for Thursday’s game at the…”
    “Tickets for what?”
    “Thursday’s Thorns game”
    “What’s a Thorns game?”
    “The Thorns are Portland’s premier women’s soccer team.”
    “Actually, uh, I have to work on Thursday, but I’ll be in on Friday to fix your toilet. Say, you givin’ away any Trailblazers tickets?”

    “OK, We’re back! Don’t forget, Thursday is KBOO day at the Thorns and we’ve still got 12 tickets to give away! The first caller who…..”

  10. The Portland Thorns should pay people to attend their stupid games.

    Portland is, after NY and SF, the suckiest city in America.

    They turned their neat little downtown baseball stadium into a soccer stadium to attract the liberals who think they are too good for an all-American sport like baseball.

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