Scientists hail ‘groundbreaking’ discovery of antibody which prevents ChinaVirus infection – IOTW Report

Scientists hail ‘groundbreaking’ discovery of antibody which prevents ChinaVirus infection

They discovered that an antibody which prevents the SARS virus from infecting human cells could also block the novel coronavirus from infecting human cells too, according a peer reviewed study published on Monday in the journal Nature Communications.

10 Comments on Scientists hail ‘groundbreaking’ discovery of antibody which prevents ChinaVirus infection

  1. Gee! An antibody that blocks a Corona Virus may block a Corona Virus?

    What a revelation! A veritable apocalypse! Knock me over widda feddah!

    I’m beginning to see why these guys spend decades going to college.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So get ready to take your vaccine, the one that has quantum dots in it to identify you as having had it, and be allowed to go out in public again, and maybe to do things that require financial transactions as well (like working or shopping).

    Nothing will be forced on you, you can still just say no. You just won’t be allowed to participate in life till you do.

  3. Extir….. not to get in the middle of anything but SARS is Covid2 thus a coronavirus… otherwise I am really looking forward to my CCP vaccine…….NOT!

  4. SARS is a Corona Virus.
    MERS is a Corona Virus.
    Hong Kong Flu is a Corona Virus.
    IBV is a Corona Virus.
    MHV is a Corona Virus.
    TGEV (swine flu) is a Corona Virus.

    Gee, seems to be some commonality, here … but then, I’m not a doctor …

    izlamo delenda est …


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