Is This Video For Real? – IOTW Report

Is This Video For Real?

Or is it doctored? The bus, especially. And fake dog.

Even so, it’s pretty entertaining!

19 Comments on Is This Video For Real?

  1. Besides the fake dog, the guy actually steps through one of the barriers. But it would be interesting to challenge Biden to replicate this.

  2. They forgot to ‘fix’ him walking through the barrier @0:21 with the fake doggie…that does not move it’s head when picked up!

    That somersault was very cool though.

    Aww Wyatt I just noticed ya beat me to it!

  3. Clever editing. First lock the camera down and record the busy traffic. Then wait for a time when there is no traffic and record the coordinated bit with the dog and man on the same road w/o traffic. Key out the cars and layer them in post editing. Good film school project, A+

  4. Fake news is getting desperate.

    No wait, that was an upcoming political ad showing Joe Biden rescuing the economy.

    p.s. the cartwheel gave it away at the very beginning. But it was a nail biter to watch.


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