Donald Trump broke the establishment elite – Victor Davis Hanson – IOTW Report

Donald Trump broke the establishment elite – Victor Davis Hanson

 Sebastian Gorka has a chat with Professor Victor Davis Hanson, author of “The Case For Trump” about the elites, the fringe, Socialists, anarchists, the media and Democrats. But I repeat myself.

18 Comments on Donald Trump broke the establishment elite – Victor Davis Hanson

  1. “Donald Trump broke the establishment elite”

    That has a nice ring to it
    Love the sound it makes

    Hey Billy Krystal
    What’s up?

    It ain’t over yet, Billies
    Missions being accomplished

  2. Hanson is a treasure … a true prophet of our times … unrecognized & unappreciated

    … speaking truth to power

    &, like the prophets of old, his message falls to the curbside & ignored

  3. There’s hardly anything that you can post that most visitors on this site will learn from. Hanson is a run-of-the-mill conservative intellectual who only seems smart because he’s compared to other moronic talking heads who appear on Fox. He’s the current Charles Krauthammer only a little bit better.

  4. BILLY

    I never saw Dr. K call himself “conservative: He called himself NEOCON. Dr.K was smart enough to know that some of he is readers knew + understood why he hated Ronny. Dr K manages a President campaign that lost 49 states to Ronny in ’84.

    Dr.K died a Bush loving’s Ronny hating NEOCON

    Krathamer was almost the opposite of dr. VDH who is a Bush basin Ronny loving’s CONSERVATIVE!

    Just because the Cal GOP has been run by liberal/progressives the last 30 years dows not mean we all are liberals. VDH and I are Barry loving’s Ronny bacon CONSERVATIVES, VDH is to young to have voted Barry; but if you watch him on UTUBE you know that were he 12 years older in ’64 he voted Barry.

    The only similarity, and that has only been since the first liberal Bush won 32 years ago , is they are “R”.
    As Barry clearly articulated in his book 60 years ago THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN “TAX + SPEND” Republicans! Still are!
    I admit I am biased. I love Ronny so I like Dr. VDH!

  5. They’re all nuts for seeking this kind of attention. What kind of career is it to be an occasional guest on a cable news network show?
    Oh! Billy, Billy, Billy!

  6. You know it’s getting good when the MSM started wishing for the good old days of Bush and right on cue Georgie W goes all drama queen. Go ahead Mr. President rip the band-aid right off of their “feewings”.

  7. @ Billy Fuster MAY 6, 2020 AT 3:24 AM

    Blow me.

    Let’s see you take a complex subject, analyze it, condense it down and present it coherently and concisely the way VDH can.

  8. I understand what you are saying, Billy Fuster.

    There’s a lot of notoriety and money to be made in “mining” president Trump’s presidency. I watched Gingrich do exactly that in the months leading up to and immediately following the election. He really lost my respect because of that. And just like Hanson, Gingrich tried to bring a novel perspective to Trump’s character and the reasons Trump appealed to as many people as he did. These novel analyses are mostly things they think up to explain the puzzle to themselves, because they still can’t figure out why. Hanson, fairly early on, even asked if Trump was a “Tragic Hero, or Just Tragic”; explaining that people who voted for him and loved him, only did so because Trump was uniquely qualified for only this time in history and would become a tragic warrior whose only purpose was to bring down the bad actors. In his book, “The Case For Trump”, Hanson fell in with that crowd that probably wouldn’t invite him to a tony cocktail party or if they did it would have been to showcase their own edginess. He wrote that Trump has an “uncouth authenticity.” That seemed to me to paint a terribly one-dimensional view of Trump, but it comported with the view held by many think-tank intellectuals who don’t understand or “get” Trump the way his base of support does. It seemed to me then, and now, that neither Gingrich nor Hanson think they can afford to go too much against the grain with their blue-nosed peers. There’s still a strong strain of “true conservative” ideology there, and not a little of the shabby gentility that harkens to European nobility. And then there’s other amazing intellectuals like Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College who gave his unvarnished, unminced support of Trump. Arnn is pretty special though. Here’s a guy who can also read the classics in their original Latin and Greek (and sometimes Aramaic), but he correctly understands Trump’s wide appeal and doesn’t try to differentiate himself from Trump by pandering to the snobbery and clubiness of intellectual elitism by creating elegant theories of Trump’s appeal. There’s something else I noticed about Hanson that give me pause: he never seems to make a speech without talking about his generational family farm and blends that in, in a rather obvious way, to present his “common man” bona fides. I’ve never doubted Hanson’s knowledge of farming, but neither of his parents were full-time farmers in the way we think of people who farm for their primary living. I tend to think of Hanson as a farmer, the way I think of Churchill as a brick mason (Churchill was a member of that trade union). Both men were/are deep thinkers, but neither of them knew/know what is to feed a family from the sweat and toil of endless physical labor and the vicissitudes of weather and market volatility. Hanson’s scholastic writing focuses mainly on the agrarian life from a sociological perspective. And like Churchill, Hanson’s hours are spent writing columns, giving speeches, teaching for several weeks (during the harvest) at Hillsdale, writing books, making podcasts, and the like. I find his consistent references to being a farmer rather disingenuous, and it taints his credibility. Hanson stands tall without having to pander. It’s odd to me that he does it. But I think it’s an occupational hazard for academics to become rather stuffy and self-important when they become the expert at something called “The Classics”.

  9. Richard — You’re right!! LOL I was pretty much writing to myself because this post is so far down in the blog at this point I didn’t expect anyone to read it. haha! Too funny.

  10. The militarization of our law enforcement by obama has us civilians facing a genuine armed force of soldiers. Those bastards are pretty intimidating when they pull up in an armored personnel carrier and a dozen swat team members come out with guns raised like they did at that bar in Texas. WTF should a guy do that is just trying to drink a beer with his buddies and keep the local saloon in business? I’m not quite ready to get shot, but that is not far from happening to somebody.

  11. Joe6 — Unfortunately, we can thank Ratcliffe (and Trump) for changing the EO (that obama signed) about releasing “unused” military equipment to local law enforcement. It was bad advice from Ratcliffe to the president. LEO should NOT be equipped like our military for the very reasons you make clear. It was a bad idea that wasn’t thought through.

    We have National Guardsmen who specifically fill in the blank between beat cops and the American armed forces. And if your local cop shop owns a tank, guess what? They’re going to find reasons to use it, whether it’s necessary or not. Cops are intimidating enough with all that ridiculous kit hanging off them.

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