Why Don’t I Hate Donald Trump? – IOTW Report

Why Don’t I Hate Donald Trump?

American Thinker/ Peter Darrow: Why do you not like Donald Trump? I asked my brother.  “Because he is a d—” was his reply. 
 Such a deep, meaningful answer!

I had never been a political person.  To be honest, politics bored me.  In any debates, I always took the middle option as I did not have the knowledge and experience to express an opinion.  It was not until Trump began his campaign that I started to investigate whether I was right- or left-wing.

Why I never felt the same way as my brother is a question I have often asked myself.  Prior to his campaigning and his presidency, I never felt any hatred for the man.  Having an interest in property, I read his books and enjoyed watching The Apprentice, and not once did I feel any animosity.  Trump was such an admired figure by many businesspeople, celebrities, and politicians prior to his announcement that he was running for president.  Yes, he had his detractors, but there was none of the vile hatred you see today.

For some reason, I was extremely hopeful that Trump would run for president when the rumors were flying around that he would do so.  Maybe it was instinctive that the world needed a change.  When Obama was elected, I was a fan, and there was a great sense of hope that he would achieve great things.  Oh, how disappointed we all were!

After his initial dress rehearsals, Trump announced on June 16, 2015 that he would be running for the presidency of the United States. more

15 Comments on Why Don’t I Hate Donald Trump?

  1. If liberals die, i don’t care. I don’t consider them people. They are more on the order of insects. That’s the way it works. They don’t consider babies people and they don’t care if babies die. I don’t consider liberals people and i couldn’t care less if they die. So all the liberals dying in new york doesn’t faze me. They are not people. If the left can consider babies to not be people, then i have the right to consider liberals to not be people.

    Tell me where i’m wrong.

  2. I don’t know why even President Trump’s supporters feel the need to always throw in the caveat about his rough way of communicating. This guy says he “cringes” Fook that.

    I’ll tell you what made me cringe. 8 fucking years of listening the that horse’s ass Obama. Seriously, I got to the point that anytime he was speaking, I turned off the volume. He was a preening, disgusting liar. And his wife is even worse. Lord what a pair.

    The day I see President Trump parading in front of a mirror checking out his selfie angles is the day I’ll start “cringing” Till then he’s doing pretty damn good.

  3. I agree with the author’s brother that Trump is a dick, but he’s also the best President we’ve had in my lifetime, even surpassing Reagan, in my opinion. So I’m fine with him being a dick. If fact, considering how evil and corrupt our federal government has become, we needed a dick. Sometimes the truth is a dick, especially in times like these.

  4. @pbunyan^
    A president who knows when to be a dick is what we needed at this exact time in history.
    What would be funny if someone would scream “you’re a dick” to the president during a press conference and his reply would be “That’s PRESIDENT Dick” and keeps on speaking.

  5. Andy Jackson was a dick as well; that didn’t stop him from killing the national bank (the first ‘fed reserve’), and being one of our better presidents.

    Trumpslide 2020.

  6. Once someone realizes they have been conforming and actually see through / question the media and Hollywood / entertainment clearly they are never going back. Hence the censoring of everything and the hype of the masks and testing crap not to lose the Covid narrative. They already are finding with just some nominal loosening of sheltering people are venturing back out and are polling as less scared than 2 weeks ago. Probably partly due to less exposure to the media BS. And Trump has never embarrassed me. Obama did so much cringeworthy on a daily basis. He was the one with the unattractive uncouth wife, the uneducated twit that couldn’t read words off his teleprompter, and he shamed America every chance he got and for what? No leaders respected him. He got some globalist selfies while Russia, Iran and China ran him over and then treated him like a bitch making him get out the back of his plane. Not a winner.

  7. MMinAR
    MAY 7, 2020 AT 8:29 AM
    “…Seriously, I got to the point that anytime he was speaking, I turned off the volume.”

    …I went to Gettysburg a few years back, while the Indonesian was still illegaly occupying the White House, and went to the “Hall of Presidents” display. We went to the “First Lady” exhibit before the Presidents, which was just half-scale wax figures of them and pix, and believe ME that the Mooch one made even Eleanor look good by comparison (but Hillary was still evil and ugly as ever). I mean, they tried their level best to make “her” look female, or at least human, but a non-PC extraterrestrial dropped in here would get to the end of the line and ask “why is male here”? They could NOT make it pretty and still have it recognizably Mooch. It DID help that they were only 3 feet tall, though, because it spared you a true sense of “her”, eh, girth, unless you compared the aftereffects of the other First Ladies (except for Hillary) to her…

    The Presidents were in different little sections, kind of grouped by period, and the sections were metered by automatic doors at both ends. They would do a thing where they had audio (actors for the early ones, natch) of different ones doing their better-known spiels, and it was kinda neat and informative to my then-youngster, so OK mostly.
    Then we got to the modern ones. They only had Democrats speaking the day I was there, not that the Bushes aren’t Democrats, but when they got to Barry Soetoro it was his actual, hateful voice that started to lie to me. I was on vacation and not being PAID to listen to this garbage, zo I forced the last set of autodoors and banged out rather than listen to that fraud, much to the suprise of the gal in the gift shop who wasn’t expecting anyone for a bit.

    Barry, BTW, just looked like a skinny street thug in a suit, so they DEFINITELY captured him WELL.

    …sadly, you can’t go there now. They shut it down in 2016, leaving Slate to gloat about how President Trump would NEVER be added, but leaving out the auction price that Barry fetched…


    Hillary went for $700, and Mooch for $525. Regrettably, neither was purchased by a shooting range, even though Mooch would be good Sasquatch training…

    In the original it wasn’t partisan, and looked like this below. Kind of a shame it’s gone, but I SINCERELY hope the Barry voice was lost, and the wax dummy Indonesian given a ring to hold and stood out at the end of a driveway to wait for horses and such…


  8. Super, I was riding with a guy a couple days ago and somehow we got talking about Big Mike. I told him that the former 1st lady was a man. No way he says. I showed him this video


    He’s a believer now. 2:50 if you can stomach it.

    Also note just how huge “her” legs are compared to even the men dancing. Now of course there are large black women, but c’mon. This is a pro football player size person.

    Also the causal way Barack drops Michael into his speech. It’s like they say, deeper and deeper the web you weave when you begin to deceive.

    God I hope they get busted so publicly that there’s no way a denial is going to be swallowed. And I hope I’m alive to see it.

  9. …most people who don’t like him, don’t like him because they were TOLD not to like him.

    That’s IT.

    …They were told he was racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, whatever, and just uncritically accepted it because that’s what they DO, believe what the media TELLS them.

    And the media told them PLENTY. All WRONG, but THEY had no way of knowing it, that would require, you know, research and thinking and stuff, it’s just easier to smoke a joint and believe Hillary lost becuase, misogyny, and besides that would justify them going out and breaking things and hurting people later if they don’t THINK about it too hard, MUCH more fun to live those videogame fantasies out IRL, as long as they had the Democrat Police and Judiciary to protect them from any actual consequences and the ever-helpful media to protect them from any actual REALITY…

  10. Trump is a realist and a businessman before he’s president. He gets more done for our country with one swipe at the media or a single “controversy” tweet. There’s a reason why we use the analogy ‘unicorns skatin on rainbows’ for past presidents. They weren’t grounded in reality and had no private enterprise experience. This angers the piss out of so many people because Trump is not preaching about living in an unachievable utopia. Think of how much time and energy we wasted bending to how 57 different false genders need to use bathrooms. Realists don’t let that crap cloud their vision. Trump hits you with ad-hoc, merciless, and unforgiving reality, your fictional world be damned. We can’t win without being real to ourselves and the rest of the world.

  11. Up here, almost everybody I know Hates Turdo with exceptions who usually respond wilt, “At least he is not what THEY have down there, he is an Idiot”

    When I ask why, no real answer or argument.

    Then I tell them 2 things:
    1) If you invested in US stocks (esp. healthcare & tech) 2 weeks before Trump was elected you are STILL up by quite a good margin. There has also been reasonably good recovery from lows.
    However, If you invested in canada’s big sectors, you got slaughtered, under performed and STILL have a hose in your mouth.
    Again, No decent Answer.

    2) Turdeau, has used every effort to cease power politically, destroy the rights of the individual, and has numerous scandals from judicial interference to Blackface which were real and documented.
    Trump, is constantly putting individuals rights ABOVE government over reach, and has hired more women & minorities than Obama ever did and never been in Blackface.

    No reasonable response, again.

    Covid-19 – canada, just like NYC, had 1 Job above all else; To protect the Elderly.
    Guess where the death tolls are highest due to allowing workers to jump like humming birds from 1 facility to the other even though they were all owned by the same companies. (But God Help you in toronto if you went to an old age home and waved to your parents through a window from the Parking Lot.

    I no longer use capitals when mention canada or its territories because this is a country with NO capital.

  12. Christopher Hitchens, the well-known author of “God is Not Great”, died of cancer at age 62. He made his living denouncing God and debating very worthy opponents (John Lennox, Dinesh D’Souza, among many others) over the existence of God. In fact D’Souza met Hitchens on the turf of Hitchens’ own premises, science, and was still able to show how God’s existence presented the best evidence for the physical world, the galaxies, and the existence and condition of humanity.

    Despite all the hard evidence brought before him — spoon fed to him — Hitchens met his demise very publicly denouncing God. In one interview with Anderson Cooper, Hitchens, who by then showed all the ravages of cancer and its treatment, scornfully lashed out that he was not going to change his mind or even hedge his bet of an afterlife by conceding there “might be a God.” Now then, here was a man, a very intellectual man with decades of study and thinking behind him who, having been given convincing evidence by some of the greatest thinkers in the world, refused to bend even one degree from his certainty. Facing his own imminent death, he pulled the tattered remains of his shabby pride around him as though it were a regal cloak rather than take the offer of one last spin of the wheel. Pride prevented him. The thought that his views would some day be vindicated prevented him from taking that chance. The irony of course was that he did not want to be called “hypocrite”, did not want it to be said that he did not have the courage of his convictions and that his life had been a lie; that he was a liar. He’d spent his adult life arguing that there was no absolute truth, no absolute right or wrong, justice or injustice, no absolute judgement except the consequences of evolutionary supremacy; but in the face of the certainty of his own death he was concerned that he would be thought a fraud by everyone who bought and agreed with his books. Hitchens had very skillfully argued against the idea of life after death, sincerely believed he no longer existed beyond this life, was worried about what people thought of him after his body had returned to the elements.

    This seemed to me to be a worthwhile thing to keep in mind if I am ever in a conversation with someone with a brain even half as able as Hitchens’ who sincerely believes everything CNN has said about POTUS Trump, even in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

    Many of our fellow citizens would rather America go down in flames than to concede that Trump is right.

  13. MMinAR
    MAY 7, 2020 AT 9:23 AM

    “God I hope they get busted so publicly that there’s no way a denial is going to be swallowed. And I hope I’m alive to see it.”

    …if Democrats take over again, it will be COMPLETE victory for them, so they’ll crawl te REST of the way out from undet the rock and force YOU to THEIR “normal”

    …under such circumstances, not only would “Michelle” whip it out at a live televised event for that very purpose, then BOAST about how BRAVE and BEAUTIFUL “She” is, and DEMAND you WORSHIP it.

    …because history repeats…

    “1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

    2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

    3 Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

    4 Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

    5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:

    6 And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.”
    Daniel 3:1-6

    …”She” could be their image.

    …wonder what their “Firey Furnace” will be…

  14. Anon
    While what you wish for our schools is right, the success that socialist/communists have had controlling them tells me they will not give that control up easily.
    Our nation will not be split in two.
    It will be at least three pieces, maybe more.
    Liberals will not abandon their strongholds on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Great Lakes coasts.
    Deplorables will not be able to stomach living with the liberal assholes, either.
    I see a beatdown coming.
    Not a split.
    Re: American Civil War.


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