Suddenly the rest of the world is figuring out the wisdom of border control – IOTW Report

Suddenly the rest of the world is figuring out the wisdom of border control

To the world, I say, GFY.

Now? Now you’re going to say that borders are a great idea because they help keep its citizens safe from pandemics?

Yeah, we knew that. While morons (which includes U.S. citizens, namely leftists) ran around saying our conservative policies were xenophobic, we tried to argue our reasoning.



Why countries SHOULD shut their borders: Scientists find air travel is main driver of COVID-19 outbreaks as they say screening, testing and quarantining travellers is ‘a cheap solution for humanity’


4 Comments on Suddenly the rest of the world is figuring out the wisdom of border control

  1. I read a headline yesterday that inferred a connection between this pandemic shut-down and the rise of TB in the U.S.

    But here’s another one for the myopia of the Left: Surely there are other pandemics cursing the world that aren’t caused by a virus, but are just as lethal.

    Walls and tightly secured borders also keep out:

    China’s fentanyl. 19 grams will kill 10,000 people. China produces about 90% of the world’s fentanyl. There are many agencies keeping track of fentanyl deaths. The CDC reported 50 people per day in 2016. Extrapolate that number over a decade.

    Criminals, including murderers: There seems to be no reliable source of data concerning the number of homicides committed by people being here illegally. To quote the Left on Covid19: “If it saves just one life.” According to stats kept by the DoJ, 20% of all those in U.S. prisons/jails are here illegally — at enormous cost to Americans. I would call that last statistic an epidemic.

    Infectious Disease: You name it, illegal border crossers carry it. “Such conditions include drug addiction or communicable diseases of public health significance such as TB, syphilis, gonorrhoea, leprosy, and a changing list of current threats such as polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, or severe acute respiratory syndromes. Illegal immigrants crossing into the United States could bring any of these threats, however. Southern Texas Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera warns: “What’s coming over into the US could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses.” ( Though not in epidemic-sized proportions, some of the countries of origin for these illegal crossers are under a state of “health emergency” as defined by the WHO and the CDC for these diseases. “If only one life is saved.”

    Counterfeit Goods: It is estimated that receipt of fake designer labels and intellectual property theft (software, engineered goods, etc.) is costing the U.S. $600,000,000,000.00 per year. By far the biggest source of this theft is China. That’s an epidemic-sized loss to American taxpayers, businesses, inventors and investors.


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