First They Came For People With Covid… – IOTW Report

First They Came For People With Covid…

WHAT WOULD YOU DO if your six year old son or daughter tested positive for COVID19 and was taken from your home to a quarantine center by Ventura Health Authorities? This SHOCKING VIDEO demands that you plan ahead. – Del Bigtree@delbigtree


ht/ c. steven tucker

24 Comments on First They Came For People With Covid…

  1. ANY of these moonbats who lays a hand on my children to take them FROM me will have his head blown off BY me. As the don once said: “That I do NOT forgive.”

  2. I would said, ‘BLOW me’ away before you blow me down before I blow you away. Fuck you, you dam Statists.

    I don’t say this much but, we were falsely accused of child abuse by child services some years ago.

  3. That guy is out of his fucking mind. Neighboring Riverside County Sheriff announced today that there’sno way they would participate in such a program. People will die in Ventura.

  4. And if you took the time to watch that guy you see the most incompetent, bureaucratic shit head you can imagine. If this “contact tracing” starts in my area I’ll have to start carrying full time in my own house. And what is with all these hand interpreters? They look ridiculous up there. I know technology exists that would display on a screen everything that the dumbshit says.

  5. Wow, did he come from a Central Casting role call for MR. CREEPY? What a very peculiar man. And, as joe6pak says, WTH is with all these gesticulating sign language “interpreters.”

    Weirdness reigns. This is not a good thing. Not good. At all.

  6. Scamdemic, plandemic, dempanic… How about karendemic?

    The Karens of the world love this shit and it’s even better for them now with contact tracing.

    The goal post continues to get moved. Phases states are coming up with to “get back to normal,” will never be met. We could have C19 completely eradicated in the US and these buffoons will say it needs to be eradicated from the entire world for X-number of months or years before you can go outside without your submission mask.

  7. In Seattle if this happens here you’d be removed from the safety of your own home to a formerly fleabag hotel that’s been freshly painted by the state to sit in quarantine with a bunch of homeless people.

    This is scary.

  8. These cretins must be using the GPS from phones in order to carry out this commie “contact tracing”. .

    Turning off the location feature on your phone might help, but I doubt it will stop the Nanny State “officials” from knowing you’re not obeying their “Shelter in Fear” mandate.
    Of course, can’t forget snitches and security cameras.
    Preppers have the right idea – this is definitely a time to stay off the grid.

  9. Been warning about this for 2 plus months now.

    Plant the seeds of totalitarianism and the weed will grow on its own.

    We are becoming the assholes and not that slowly either.

  10. Now you know why gov Cuomo (aka ASShole) is claiming 65% of new case are transmitted at home they are pre-justifying taking people from their homes.

    of course those taken will almost never come back their “covid” will be fatal

  11. This is just one of the reasons why I NEVER got a spy-phone… never mind the FACT that it only takes 4 of them spaced equally around a raw steak to slow-cook it completely through in a little less than 1 hour.

    With the new Chi-Com 5G roll-out the power and range of the electromagnetic bubble it ALWAYS emits increases dramatically and as your device switches from one cell tower to the next it spikes the level of radiation dramatically. Since I already went through 11 months of Chemo, I have had my fill of radiation-spewing devices.

    Now we see the real reason why the PTB have pushed this tech onto everyone besides tracking, data mining, and spying on you 24/7/365.

    If you have to carry around a Faraday cage just to feel safe using it then why bother to pay big buck for the privilege of being slow-cooked and spied on?

    I will stick to my wall-mounted phone in my home for $20 a month and if they would not have made the tech incompatible I would still be using my rotary-dial phone thank you very much… and if I do not pick up the phone you can (gasp) leave a message!!!

  12. “If you have to carry around a Faraday cage just to feel safe using it then why bother to pay big buck for the privilege of being slow-cooked and spied on?”

    If you carry it in a Faraday cage you can’t use it without instantly defeating the purpose by putting yourself suddenly back on the radar, so why carry it at all if you can’t use it without defeating your precautions?

    You don’t need it if you don’t intend to use it.

    FWIW, if you’re worried about being spied on, don’t have one of those smart things on or anywhere near anyone around you if you are discussing, or even mentioning, something the government might not approve of. That includes being in the same house or building with one.

    We may have free speech and free association, but that certainly doesn’t mean you can talk about things or associate freely.

  13. So I know someone who works for the county health department and asked them about this tracing bullshit. She said the e-mails the county health departments have received have instructed them if someone tests positive for C-19 they are to question them on where they have been within the past two weeks and for names of anyone they know they have been in contact with. All of that information will be sent to the state who will then track down all these people using the names they’ve been given and contact businesses they have been in to discover who was there. Then they will contact those people and tell them they must be tested and quarantined for 14 days.
    They will use business video, electronic transactions and any other means to discover contact. I’m sure the other means is phone tracking.

    It won’t work with me, you call me and I will hang up, you show up at my door and make it past my dogs I will not answer the door, you try to force your way in and you might not walk away. I will not be tested and I will not be quarantined. They’re already discouraged at us rural folks because we’re not running to their ice cream vans for our tests.

    So be aware this isn’t just coming to Ventura county or even just California, red states, blue states, purple states are all wanting in on this contact tracing.

  14. No arsehole you won’t be moving me or members of my family into other types of housing… you DEMocRATS did to our Japanese citizens in the 40’s…..

    You can offer other types of housing……but we’ll pass on that offer…..because we can’t trust you.

  15. I’m just going to put this here. I think people have had enough. There is a secret group of regular people in my state from all walks of life, stay at home moms, doctors, nurses, farmers, ranchers, essentials, non-essentials, gun owners, non-gun owners, business owners, employees, hunters, non-hunters, young, middle age and old.
    I got invited to the group about a week ago, didn’t really figure it would amount to much. However, it is now up to 55,000 people and that’s after they screened out all the traitors.
    First meeting happening out in the boondocks Sunday to discuss how to keep in touch without cell phones and computers. How to take commercial sales out of food and necessities, direct sales and bartering from the farmers/ranchers to the consumer and how to fight against the government forced testing, forced quarantines, and all government overreach. This coming from just one section of one state.

    I heard a cop the other day, ex-military speak out to his fellow cops that they were waking a sleeping giant. If this is any indication, it’s awake.

    I plan on being there Sunday and seeing how serious they are. Hopefully, finally people are realizing there are more of us than them. I at least have hope again in this country.

  16. Old Racist White Woman – What state, I would be interested.

    And it made me think of this.

    And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is a
    Study in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I’m
    Singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar
    Situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in a
    Situation like that there’s only one thing you can do and that’s walk into
    The shrink wherever you are, just walk in say “Shrink, You can get
    Anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant. “. And walk out. You know, if
    One person, just one person does it they may think he’s really sick and
    They won’t take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
    They may think they’re both faggots and they won’t take either of them.
    And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
    Singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out. They may think it’s an
    Organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said
    Fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and
    Walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement.

  17. this jackbooted Socialist thug isn’t the only power-hungry asshole out there.

    Not by a long shot. New Orleans mayor Cantrell wants to do the same thing: forcibly quarantine people, force businesses to interrogate and track all their customers and so on.

    It’s almost as if these politicians and unelected & unaccountable tyrants WANT TO WRECK THE AMERICAN ECONOMY AND AMERICAN FREEDOMS. I wonder….WHY??


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