“The Mueller cover up”. – Kim Strassel – IOTW Report

“The Mueller cover up”. – Kim Strassel

Heads should roll.

If they don’t, Trump is not fully what we’ve been waiting for. He’s good, but not the answer.

If a multitude of people are not to serve significant jail time for these clear violations of the law, the swamp might be un-drainable.

ht/ c. steven tucker

26 Comments on “The Mueller cover up”. – Kim Strassel

  1. So far not so good! They are all still free as a bird and daily running their filthy, traitorous mouths and laughing in our faces!

  2. Kim,

    Love ya, but. . .

    “Trump is not fully what we’ve been waiting for” will never be said here. Not now. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow.

    President Trump has already proven himself more than enough for me.

    Don’t know what you got but you should try some soup for that.

  3. Was there a more delicious moment in all of this mess(so far) than watching a befuddled Mueller say it was outside his purview?

    Oh man, the guy in charge didn’t know about Simpson or Fusion? And he revealed he was a puppet in front of millions. Remember how Schiff et.al. demanded that Mueller be allowed to testify figuring his testimony would be explosive?

    They knew from Day1 that the there was no “collusion” but dragged it out for years. “human scum” is too kind.

  4. POTUS Trump has repeatedly given his opinion of those involved (at all levels) within the gov’t. There’s little doubt what he thinks of them and their activities: Scum of the earth, dirty, no-good, rotten, scum.

    It is highly unlikely Trump will let them walk if they are found out, but if they do I doubt it will be because he didn’t do everything within his power (and therein lies the rub) to see they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    That’s an important point to make. It would be good if a real, professional, investigative journalist would write a story about how the D.C. careerists have protected themselves through law and/or “procedures” from prosecution.

  5. Its too bad that our Department of Justice IN NAME ONLY, isn’t doing its job, its job is for the most part, covering up its redacted, hidden crimes.

  6. Trump is letting the dogs bark and run as fast as they can towards him knowing full well that they are tethered to a chain that will snap their neck back in the 4th year of his presidency just before the election in November.

    Trump knows that average people have short memories.

    Muller – fell apart late – year 3
    Bidden – senility & sexual assault – year 4
    flynn – charges dropped – year 4

    NEXT – ??? Plandemic slowing everything down & dominating the news.

    Year 5 – Bar announces charges against Comey, Brenan.

    If he moves before the election XiNN, MSNCXi all start saying he is stealing the election & democracy by imprisoning his rivals.

    Trump is fighting; Russia, Mid east, CHYNA, Euro socialists, Democrats, & the DEEP TAINT.
    Takes time my friends.

  7. “If they don’t, Trump is not fully what we’ve been waiting for. He’s good, but not the answer.”

    Trump is not the AG. I think the truth is if Trump can’t get this mess cleaned up and our country back on track, it’s not happening

  8. I’m anticipating that Wednesday, November 4, 2020, we will see President Trump unleashed. Until then, everything is going to be a carefully measured response.

  9. Sorry, but i’m with Strassell.

    The biggest job for him, the one on top of everything else we elected him for, was to drain the swamp. If those people don’t go to jail, HE FAILED. Period.

    We’ve already seen him place in charge and take advice from Fauci and that other woman, who used the fraudulent models of Ferguson to lock down the country. And guess what. Fauci and the woman are still in charge.

    Message to all those who have their heads buried in the sand: he’s not draining the swamp.

  10. President Trump has a BIG job to do! It’s not only the Swamp, but it’s also the rise of the democRAT Political Machine using the Virus as a tool to destroy America! That man has all my support and respect!
    Inch by inch, it may not be a cinch, but it is progress.

  11. Kcir is on it. Perp walks, before the election would only appeal to voters like us. Everybody else would be screaming ‘TYRANNY!’ and could turn those “on the fence”…. of course, I often wonder how anyone could be on the fence, especially with our presumed choices. We all know that no one will actually hang if we are unwilling to do the work ourselves. So everyone be sure to put it ALL on the shoulders of President Donald Trump and tell him to hurry the fukc up about it! FFS!

  12. If they don’t, Trump is not fully what we’ve been waiting for. He’s good, but not the answer. If a multitude of people are not to serve significant jail time for these clear violations of the law, the swamp might be un-drainable.
    I wrote this, not Kim. And I stand by it.
    This is not an indictment of Trump.
    Trump is the best we’ve ever had, the best hope for a president willing to stand up for us.
    If he can’t do it, he is not the answer. This doesn’t imply that there is a better president out there. This implies that “a” president is not the answer. There might be a different method for “We the People” to straighten this country out.

  13. xxx

    Name somebody that can get the job done. Name someone that can do a better job than Trump. Maybe it’s to late. I know someone that could do it. But they don’t appear willing

  14. There’s the matter of timing and opportunity too. When in history have we ever had so many traitors totally exposed. To some measure Trumps done his job. All these traitors are standing before God and America butt naked. The justice system should be on auto pilot now.

  15. Trump fan here. I even have the Trump app and I dialed 8088whatever to get the notices asking me to donate 7 times a day.

    Now. He just finished another 15 miles of the wall (CA, I believe) and doing a lot of other good stuff.
    However… while his hands were tied due to bullshit investigations, which I believe 50% of that was done so the Muellerites could keep their jobs, he has fired a few and some have quit.

    But let me just say this here-

    When the Durham report comes out in June (?) (That report involves what they did to Trump via the DNC and HIllary / 0bama *Spits* and Congress) and we see what happened, in text form (and it better be unredacted) that would be the official reason to arrest Brennan, and the creeps in the FBI (retired, fired or not). And keep in mind, that means Schiff, Nadler and most of the House intel, too. Including a nice dark, shit stained smear on Harry Reid and Mitt Romney, and John McCain’s legacies. Because they are the ones who brought that dossier shit to congress. And that report would actually help the wikileaks guy, Assange, who could turn around and sue Hillary.

    Trump must make his move this year. Election or not. DNI Richard Grenell is up to the job to get it started.
    So, let’s get it started.

  16. “There might be a different method for “We the People” to straighten this country out.”


    Please continue – and pin your post to the top for several weeks.

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