Matt Gaetz Rips Trey Gowdy a New One – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz Rips Trey Gowdy a New One

We all know Trey Gowdy, right? The guy who can talk a great game and never deliver on anything…

ht/ all too much

26 Comments on Matt Gaetz Rips Trey Gowdy a New One

  1. Oops, I guess they’re not exchanging Christmas cards ♥️ this year. Gadtz isn’t much better/smarter. He was the loan Republican vote to limit Trumps war powers. We’re saddled with idiots.

  2. Rooster shithead, bye bye Treytore! Coulda woulda shoulda…wannabe contender. You could have been a Patriot. Oh well.

    Who is paying you off there, Treeeeeey?

  3. My libtard only brother went to law school
    with Trey.I told my brother wayback when Trey
    was let ‘Em have it in congress that he was an
    attack dog that was going to bring down Koskins/Lerner.
    He laughed at me and said something like Kabuke Theatre.
    Bubba won that round.TG inhaled,not like KlintonB….
    I am now 2 degrees separation from Trey & 1 degree
    from HRC.

  4. Gaetz Also got a DUI while in office and just recently thought it would be a great idea to wear a welders mask while in session, Leadership had to tell him not funny. He’s no Jim Jordan

  5. To Bad Brad. I don’t always have to believe or condone everything he does or says to know that Matt Gaetz is a true patriot. I knew that Gowdy and Ryan were in it up to their asses when they quit because you do not leave positions of power like they had just because.

  6. Cheryll

    He may be a Patriot. But he’s a screw up that displays terrible judgment.. There’s no excuse for his vote on limiting Trumps war powers. I was on to Gowdy while most were still trying to figure out the deal with his hair.

  7. Bad_Brad and Cheryl- we were all duped that is for sure, from people that we believe to be in our camp of saints. BUT guess what? General Flynn is a free man. That is the only thing that counts right now.

    That said, I gaetz both of your points, but Flynn is THAT what unites us(a) and is what our main concern and concentration of pure absolute focus should be, like a laser, moving forward… Not Matt not Trey.

  8. Horatio Prim

    Agreed, but hopefully the real war starts now. And there’s no room for weak sisters, of people with their own agenda. It’s the same old Republican Party in the long run

  9. I said here 10 ears ago that the ronny hating GWB ;loving lib Trey would neve do what he said about GWB’s girl L. Lerner.

    If you had “taken out your wallet and paid attention
    ” 12 years ago Trey’s deed showed he was a liberal lefty.

    Old Scotch saying “Actions speak louder than words” Trey’s deeds literally screamed progressive liberal!

    Pay no heed to what folk say! Watch what they do.

    ronny hater Trey has always been a liberal liar. Still is!

  10. Gowdy doesn’t give a sh*t. He’ll slither back to his faux job at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough which happens to be the largest law & lobbying firm in the southeast. Wonder how much they’re paying him just to advertise his name on the letterhead?

  11. Trey Gowdy: gets a 5 yard head start, winds up his fist, closes in on the target, gets 2 inches away, stops, puts his hands in this pocket and walks away. “I could do a lot of damage to you, but I won’t, aren’t I a nice guy?”

  12. Remember this……

    Flynn worked in the 0bama Administration as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency…..Flynn went against 0bama’s misuse of the intelligence agencies and was fired…..that’s why 0bama pointed him out to Trump45 and told him to not hire Flynn….then sicked all agencies on Flynn to ruin him….

    Flynn knows where 0bama buried some bodies……and the paybacks will be glorious.


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