Tucker shreds ‘loathsome’ Ilhan Omar after she race-baits Flynn acquittal as ‘white privilege’ – IOTW Report

Tucker shreds ‘loathsome’ Ilhan Omar after she race-baits Flynn acquittal as ‘white privilege’


Fox News host Tucker Carlson ruthlessly bashed Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar late Thursday over her decision to respond to national security adviser Michael Flynn’s veritable acquittal by accusing him of benefiting from a mythical force called white privilege.

Carlson’s stern remarks came after he first used his show’s opening monologue to explain how the Obama-era officials within the Department of Justice had investigated and prosecuted Flynn had done so maliciously.

“This was a setup from the beginning,” he boldly declared as he laid out all the evidence.

About three minutes into the monologue, he then pivoted his attention to Omar, who’d responded to the DOJ’s decision in Flynn’s case by tweeting the following early Thursday evening: “White privilege at work.” more

14 Comments on Tucker shreds ‘loathsome’ Ilhan Omar after she race-baits Flynn acquittal as ‘white privilege’

  1. …didn’t The Supremes just rule that encouraging illegals is, well, ILLEGAL?


    …didn’t IlHam just tell us of her love and help for “mixed status” families?


    …MSP? Seargent-at-Arms?

    …do your duty…


  2. Despicable.

    @TimBuktu – DISGUSTING! So that makes her a triple D – DDDouche.

    @DjKinko – it’s called very VERY bad policy with the intent of the infiltration of America. One of the first places ‘they showed up’ was in Portland, Maine.
    That’s not a good reason, it’s THE reason, remember ‘they were starving because of corrupted warlords running the joint’.

  3. This loathsome traitorous hag exemplifies why we should never let her and her terrorist father into the country in the first place. Now I read she set up a fundraiser to feed people who are unemployed due to the fake pandemic, and pocketed all the money.

  4. Was not investigating Hillary more white privilege and sexism , bitch? God I hate this pathetic POS. I guess she’s the best Somalia has to offer in a female.

  5. i exercised my white privilege yesterday, took multiple wipes to achieve the desired result. if blows-more/omar doan’ be liking white stuff, she/it can stop using toe-lit pap-uh.

  6. It will say more about America if Ilhan, Rashid, AOC & the other one everyone forgets, get re-elected than the re-election of Trump.

    I truly Believe DJT will win again. That one is easy.

    A certain amount will vote democrat even with Biden. Psychosis.

    However, If these 4 get re-elected, it means that there are people living in clusters of the USA that really do not want to be American at all and are actual separatists.

    Voting for Democrats means you are lazy and want free shit, Just like Turdeau and his socialist pigs.

    But, re-electing these 4, indicates that there are pockets of real gorillas & revolutionaries within the USA and their first election was not an accident. This is most likely the real case which is scarier than these 4 whores getting elected once, accidentally.

    I hope, as an indication of Americas morals, that these 4 get washed out of their districts next time around.

  7. @DjKinko May 9, 2020 at 5:45 pm

    > Please, someone, anyone give me one reason we needed to import ignorant, shit eating Somali cruds into this country!

    Because Americans won’t roll off the couch, to do what needs be done, regarding The United States.

  8. Send her and her smelly taint back to Africa where no one will notice the stench. She’ll learn to appreciate America or she can bitch all she wants in some third world shit hole where we won’t have to listen. Aw shit. I wasn’t politically correct there, was I?

  9. Her unrepentant wretchedness and unkind spirit are just a reflection of her inner heart.

    She’s a backstabbing adulterous Muslim who has committed fraud on multiple occasions.

    She is truly loathsome- both to us and her own people.


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