So, THAT’S Where All My Socks Go! – IOTW Report

So, THAT’S Where All My Socks Go!

6 Comments on So, THAT’S Where All My Socks Go!

  1. Got tired of trying to match sock colors. Found some I liked and bought 4 dozen matching pairs for about $75.00.
    Tossed out old ones.
    Worth every penny to not have to mess with them anymore. Just wash, dry and toss loose into drawer since they are all the same.

  2. Just had an electric Connection.

    I bet I can remotely tell you the electricity rates (your electric bill per KW/Hour rates @ peak time) almost to the penny.

    Based upon the cost of one simple item in your (the remotely viewed) viewing area.

    Do you know what it could be?

    I’ll reveal it later if anyone gets close.

  3. @Remote Viewer – I can tell to the penny how much my bill is if my wife holds the bill up 100 yrds away and I use my spotting scope.
    With or without socks.


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