Go figure the left… Cuomo is the hero after killing people… – IOTW Report

Go figure the left… Cuomo is the hero after killing people…

17 Comments on Go figure the left… Cuomo is the hero after killing people…

  1. You had 1 job…..

    Protect the Elderly who were most at risk! Good job assholes!

    Turdeau failed the same up here as did our “Conservative” Ontario Premier.

    No matter who is in charge, The same Leftie, useless, gov’t bureaucrats are called upon to be advisors!


  2. People in Florida are saying

    “All of these Deaths are on DeSantis”

    I immediately post a pic of Andrew Gillum..Naked..on the Floor..

    with His Asshole stuffed to the Gills with Meth…and say

    “I guess He was just feeling Nuts that Day”

  3. Agreed, PJ, Media is to blame. And they are still at it. I heard stories in early April begging not to let the infected into elder care. These cries from the administrators of these facilities were ignored by the media and the government.

  4. I know what he did
    If you wipe the lipstick off, you’ll see he condemned the infirmed elderly to predictable deaths. But he sure knocked the hell out of his state’s Medicare/Medicaid liabilities.

    No bailouts for corrupt and mis-managed states.

  5. “Go figure the left… Cuomo is the hero after killing people…”

    …it actually isn’t hard to figure when you think about who their heroes are…Mohammad, Stalin, Che, Fidel, Mao, all very, VERY good at killing people…by those lights, Cuomo’s just getting the ball rollin’…

  6. Bobcat
    MAY 9, 2020 AT 8:02 PM

    “I guess He was just feeling Nuts that Day”

    …ok, that triggers this…

    …one day, a veteran psychiatrist was leaading a new intern around the asylum to learn from a few of his patients.

    They go to one patient’s room, and he’s sitting on a chair at the front of a line of chairs, turning a paper plate in front of him and making vroom vroom sounds. The psychiatrist smiles and has his intern ask the man what he’s doing. He replies ” I’m practicing because I’m going to drive a bus when I get out of here.

    They leave that room and move on to the next one, where another man is sitting in a box, holding a cardboard tube in front of him and making ‘Swoosh’ sounds with his mouth. Again the psychiatrist smiles gently and prompts his intern to ask what he’s up to. He replies, “I’m getting ready to fly because I’m going to be a pilot when I get out of here”.

    They move on to the next room, where there’s a man lying on his back with two cashews balanced on the end of his erection. The psychiatrist shrugs and motions his intern to ask her question.
    He replies, “I’m fucking nuts, I’m NEVER getting out of here!”

  7. Bobcat
    MAY 9, 2020 AT 8:02 PM

    “I guess He was just feeling Nuts that Day”

    ..alternate ending; a man is in a sailor suit with a toy ship’s wheel on his penis, of which he says, “It’s driving me nuts!”

  8. Oh, FFS!
    Mass murderers are always held in esteem.
    Ever read “Faust?”
    Ever heard of HRC?
    Ever heard of Lincoln?
    Alexander? Caesar? Napoleon?

    The media worship whale dreck and Satan’s imps.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Genocide is a pillar of Marxism, so what if the old folks die? They were only going to vote Trump anyway. If you think these murders were not sanctioned by CommieO your not paying attention.

  10. Cuomo barred families from visiting seniors in nursing homes……

    Over fears of Covid-19 being given to the nursing home seniors…….

    But they force nursing homes to admit/readmit tested Covid-1984 positive seniors…..

    That ain’t right……someone needs to answer for that.


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