Want Chain Restaurant Recipes? – IOTW Report

Want Chain Restaurant Recipes?

Check out the right sidebar at this link.

Also, check out this site where people request recipes for famous brand items. The answers have links that lead to many interesting sites.

Thank illustr8r. She found these.

31 Comments on Want Chain Restaurant Recipes?

  1. Illustr8r — Thanks! I’ve bookmarked this.

    There’s another site that does restaurant recipes — I can’t remember the name of it, though.

    Back when The Seattle Time and PI had a great Sunday food section, they’d give out local restaurants’ best recipes. This was back when the average home cook wasn’t that adventurous (so the restaurants probably weren’t that worried about a loss of business).

    If there’s anyone here who wants a really, really, really good recipe for clam chowder, I’ve got Duke’s chowder recipe.

    I also have the recipe for black bean soup from The Sport Cafe (now closed).

    I made Claim Jumper’s six layer Chocolate Motherlode cake once, but I don’t think it was that good. And there are a lot of Cinnabon copycats, but I’ve never tried any.

    For now I’m buckled down with Keto. I went free-ranging for a while on this quarantine business, and with not as much physical activity, it’s starting to show! So, no Dunkin’ Donut copycats for me! LOL!

  2. I’ve used Uncle Phadedrus’ site to recreate some of the old Hot Shoppe & Mighty Moe recipes … gotta say, it was really close to the original taste

    brought back some very fond memories of the ‘haut cuisine’ of my youth

  3. Yes! I was looking for “ Hidden Sandwich” because I got to reminiscing with my Mom about shopping at the downtown Lazarus store in Columbus Ohio when I was a kid. We’d stop for a break and have lunch in the Colonial Room. It was like a trip to Colonial Williamsburg! It wasn’t really but I remember the copper kettles and high back wooden chairs. Great memories. ❤️

    ‘Hidden Sandwich’ is essentially a salad. Fancy! 😊

  4. I haven’t looked yet but if He doesn’t have the recipe for the ‘Dutch Pantry’ sweet and sour salad dressing I’m going to write in and ask for it. 😋

  5. I’m all in if I can get Marshall Field’s white clam chowder soup. I swear they used coquinas rather than cut large clams. The first time I had ever had peanuts in slaw was an add on to their cole slaw. Love it that way.

  6. I thought all you needed for chain restaurant recipes was cardboard and salt.

    I still can’t spell rest-au-rant and I’m 44 fucking years old. I think I’m 44. Yeah, must be. Even number and an even number. Last year was an odd number, so I was an odd number.

  7. @BFH – I went to Cracker Barrel tab on the RIGHT per your suggestion, a fave of ours, just the ‘experience’ of the regional gift shops is great, while ya wait. You can get all sorts of FUN stuff there, candy, gadgets, clothing, books, CDS!

    The thing is I could not find my fave? The chicken dumplings with the gravy. I DID see the biscuit recipe so we are half way there…

    Will be some time before we get back into one, we usually go when we ROAD trip it, makes it special when travelin’.


  8. PJ — I worked for Seattle’s Frederick & Nelson while in H.S. Since they were a subsidiary of MF, they also served their white clam chowder recipe.

    Off and on, I’ve searched everywhere for the coffee cake and cookie recipes from the original Van De Kamps’ bakery (HQ’d in SoCal). Does anyone else remember their stores that looked like Dutch Windmills? There was one on QA in the 30’s and 40’s. This was before my time, but I’ve seen adverts and the shop girls all wore Dutch costumes. They made so many varieties of cakes, coffee cakes and cookies. Someone bought the Van De Kamps name, but not their recipes. The best I could figure is one of the kids kept all the recipes and put them away somewhere.

  9. I started out in Ft. Myers’ Mess Hall (with a contractor, not Army) and did plumbing in the House Cafeterias for 36 years.

    Is piss, dipped rat, and cockroach shit part of the recipe?

    Those places make me ill – I still can’t stomach the odor.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I used to make to die for green chile but there is a place in Denver called Chubbys that made green chile like I’ve never had anywhere. If I still lived there, it’d be enough for me to eat some meat again.

    When I would come back to town after being on the road I would stop at Chubbys before I even went home. Best Mexican food I’ve ever eaten.


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