Core Inflation Down, Food Prices Spike – IOTW Report

Core Inflation Down, Food Prices Spike


Deflation picked up in the U.S. in April, pushing consumer prices down 0.8 percent compared with a month earlier, even while food prices soared.

The price of gasoline dropped 20.6 percent for the month, the Department of Labor said Tuesday. The prices for clothing, airline travel, cars, recreation, and hotels all plunged while the price of groceries saw its biggest monthly increase since 1974. More

5 Comments on Core Inflation Down, Food Prices Spike

  1. Many people do not have money as velocity in the economy has slowed to a crawl. On the other hand the fed has created trillions of new dollars which would normally create inflation. This is like the tide sucking out before a tsunami.

  2. These inflation calculations have always been a joke. So medical care, rent and food is up but we say inflation is down due to what they include in the calculation. Are people feeling that so called lack of inflation when they see beef prices?!

  3. Where I am at Sams the price of a 5 dozen case of eggs has gone from $5 to $7.50 over the last month. Eggs are a pretty basic source of protein. Meat is up, but I don’t have actual figures for that to post.

    A number of things are still in short supply or restricted in how many items can be purchased at a time.

    In any event, inflation isn’t really important if there isn’t anything to buy. I wonder if the obese are starting to lose weight yet?

  4. people have only so much income, & with so many out of work few are buying non-essential items when their $$$ can be better spent on needed high-priced food … ’round here bacon is $5 a pound for a 5 lb. pack. bought a 3 lb. chuck roast the other day for $30

    another sign – many in my area are lining up at the Dollar Tree for $1 canned food items

    don’t know why businesses don’t get up lawsuits against their Blue State governors for non-payment of quarterly taxes
    those assholes put them out of work … why should they pay business taxes?

    man, this shit frosts my ‘nads!
    ‘effin d’rats

  5. What has bugged me very badly for many years, but even more in the last 5, is all the unnecessary crap people collect in their lives.

    Food, Fuel, shelter, useful clothes – essential

    $6,000 purses, hand bags and cosmetics for men, $300 ass crack jeans, bling…
    All useless shit.

    Every once in a while the reset button needs to get hit.
    The problem is that this time its going to be more like a high voltage switch gear.

    I am glad that I used to listen to my grandparents tell me what it was like during world war 2. It made all the difference.


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