Senate panel moves to issue subpoena in probe of Hunter Biden in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Senate panel moves to issue subpoena in probe of Hunter Biden in Ukraine

Just The News: Vote scheduled next week follows revelations Democrat-connected firm was meeting with U.S. embassy over Hunter Biden affair.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday scheduled a vote for next week to issue a subpoena to a Democratic consulting firm that has emerged as a key figure in the probe of Hunter Biden’s business activities in Ukraine.

The move by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the committee’s chairman, signals the panel’s probe is escalating after months of interviews and gathering of documents, including Obama-era memos obtained from the National Archives.

The focus of the probe is whether Vice President Joe Biden, who led Obama’s policy on Ukraine, engaged in the appearance of a conflict of interest or took any actions to assist the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings while his son Hunter worked on its board and was paid more than $3 million to his U.S.-based firm. Read more

7 Comments on Senate panel moves to issue subpoena in probe of Hunter Biden in Ukraine

  1. the billions that went missing from ukraine and state department will become the crimes of the century

    the msm will not be able to cover it all up with their spin of the stories

  2. So what? Tell me it’s going to matter.

    Cynical much MM? Bet your ass. No? For example, explain how Nancy Pelosi and her husband are worth $200 million(or more) or how some publisher thought an advance payment of $65 million! to the Obamas for their upcoming book is worth it …I’ll wait.


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