Biden Shill Calls Catherine Herridge a “Hack” – IOTW Report

Biden Shill Calls Catherine Herridge a “Hack”


A top Joe Biden aide lashed out at a CBS News correspondent for reporting on the release of a new memo indicating the former vice president was aware of the “unmasking” of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn…

…Herridge’s making public the memo, which includes Biden’s name, drew the ire of Andrew Bates, the former vice president’s rapid response director, on Wednesday. After issuing an official statement on the “unmasking list,” Bates took to social media to personally lambast Herridge, suggesting she was politically compromised as a reporter for once having worked at Fox News.

Catherine Herridge is a partisan, rightwing hack who is a regular conduit for conservative media manipulation ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comment


14 Comments on Biden Shill Calls Catherine Herridge a “Hack”

  1. “Media Matters called her “one of [Fox’s] biggest pushers of debunked myths and falsehoods about the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.” source – wiki

    That is only ONE of the reasons that makes her dangerous to the Traitors and conspirators, and one of the best out there in ‘Old World’ Media.

    She is over the target(s) as an actual Independent real journalist:

    She might be in the top five or so that have credentials that make Joe Hiden in the Basement look like the moron that he really is.

    She went to Havard and Columbia, Joe went to U of Delware and Syracuse College of Law, and plagirized his way through, ‘top in class’, lying bullshit.

    Stop PROJECTING you jerk. And my from very own personal experience, people with dementia lash out, without control It’s true.

  2. Ooooooooo … I’m so scared!

    Did she propagate a falsehood?
    THAT’S what you need to address, pussy-mouth.

    Instead of invective, how about some facts supportive of your position?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I loved her on Fox, but I’m actually pleased she went to CBS. She has an opportunity there to bring some truth and real investigative journalism to the ignorant masses who only watch the alphabet media. They might learn to question some of the propaganda they are constantly fed.

  4. She and Sharyl Attkison are true journalists. I also believe they do more good being on CBS and ABC so the citizens of this country can at least be exposed to the truth


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