A Time to Hate – IOTW Report

A Time to Hate

American Spectator-

Through eight years, I accepted the rules of the game. Obama was president. He won fair and square because the Republicans serially put up two milquetoast opponents who were incapable of offering a vision or articulating a message that inspired. John McCain had been an American wartime hero who stood by his men, refused early release, and withstood torture in the “Hanoi Hilton” 40 years earlier. But he had no business running for a presidency two generations later for which he was not prepared to fight and for which he had no vision. And then came Mitt Romney, his etch-a-sketch candidacy, his binders full of women, and his Romneycare, which served as the model for the Obamacare and which was the single most galvanizing issue in 2012 for Republican conservatives. In order to throw out Obamacare, the Republican Party offered us conservatives … what, Romneycare? Tough for us conservatives to sing in that tabernacle choir.

I accepted Obama. I never articulated his first name, and I never called him “president,” but I accepted the results and accepted that this Pretender was our country’s lawfully elected chief executive. I watched his arrogance, the unctuous way he carried himself literally with his nose up, the way he never held a railing while walking a stairway because he was too cool, the kinds of human dreck he regularly invited as his White House guests, and I accepted it all with the soft whisper, “This, too, shall pass.” I watched the Corrupt Journalist Corps idolize him, crown him a king, admire him as a messiah and a deity, and I accepted the milieu. This, too, in time would pass. It meant living through eight years of the deepest public corruption. Lois Lerner stealing an election by leveraging the awesome power of the Internal Revenue Service to close down legitimate conservative political groups. Eric Holder — the nobleman who urged people to kick enemies — bringing lawlessness and corruption into the Justice Department, even approving the “Fast and Furious” idea of releasing lethal weapons to Mexican drug lords in the cockamamie scheme to find out how they access and move their weapons. Glenn Beck exposed Obama’s Maoist communications director, Anita Dunn, who walked children through the White House. There was ACORN. Just one corruption after another.

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21 Comments on A Time to Hate

  1. we have witnessed the non peaceful passing of power after an election

    if obama is not made to pay for his corruption, we will live n the banana republic we deserve

    it will be up to the citizens to set this right

    our elected officials cannot be counted on to do it

  2. All true, but he missed the deliberate destruction of our military. It was far more effective and insidious than most Americans could ever understand.

    It short it was pure hell, the bastard and his cabal created ISIS and then did not allow us to fight it. The ROE during his eight years of depravity is responsible for thousands of GI’s deaths and many incarcerations of Junior Leaders.

    The Bergdal scandal and the unmasking of Extortion 17 to the enemy are just the most obvious of his odious traitorous actions.

    Sometime in the next four years of PDJT the evil that was done to this country will be exposed to a shocked and unbelieving populace.

    The Army of Northern Virginia will ensure the truth is revealed.

  3. I read this earlier yesterday. It’s taken me a while to figure out why I like it so much. It gives us absolution. We’ve certainly had justification. Important for what’s coming.

  4. As to appropriate retribution for Obama and his administrations crimes; I have become so jaded that I will only believe it when I see it. Look at judge sullivan’s
    (no caps, not deserved) continuing slime trail of the
    trial of General Flynn. I will not say “this too shall pass” until these enemies of the Republic until they get the full punishment they deserve.

  5. As to appropriate retribution for Obama and his administrations crimes; I have become so jaded that I will only believe it when I see it. Look at judge sullivan’s
    (no caps, not deserved) continuing slime trail of the
    trial of General Flynn. I will not say “this too shall pass” until these enemies of the Republic get the full punishment they deserve.

  6. 0bama said he was going to “fundamentally change” America. He just didn’t tell us he was going to change it to a corrupt, tyrannical oligarchy.

  7. More Libertarian whining. Zippy won by vote fraud the second time, obviously (140% turnout ring a bell?), and it looks like he also did the first time.

    And I never stopped saying so.

  8. The tyranny came from within our borders, while all the time it was being peddled as a Russian attack and many of us bought the crafty propaganda from our dishonored leaders and news outlets. Its time!!

  9. bill MAY 15, 2020 AT 5:00 AM
    we have witnessed the non peaceful passing of power after an election

    Has the power actually been passed at all if we’re living with 2 administrations? Nothing I’ve seen so far convinces me obama-ites ever relinquished power. Quite the opposite.

  10. Well, I never “accepted” Obola.

    As a plumber, I recognize shit.
    And regardless of his phony bona fides, his phony “autobiography,” his phony “religion,” and his phony “marriage” that quavering-bullshit-laden voice made my skin crawl.
    He lied with impunity.
    He lied about the most ignorant things – and America swallowed the swill.

    From: “… my moslem … uhh … christian faith …”
    To: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

    Sorry. One lie is enough. A litany of lies should lead to the gallows.

    As I’ve propounded for 12 years – lying to your sovereign is TREASON. PERIOD.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Keep in mind that in 2012 we gave Republicans the House and they did nothing.
    Then in 2014 we gave Republicans the Senate and they did nothing.
    That’s why we gave the White House to a business man in 2016!
    Then the Do Nothing RINOs lost the House in 2018 and enabled over three years of grief to be foisted onto President Trump! Sure, Jeramiah Wright´s Jug-Eared, Purple-Lipped “God-Damn-America”-hating, Marxist Muzlim Mallard and his Commie-loving psychophants are something to be concerned about, but so are the Benedicks in our own party and that’s why 2020 might be a toss up, but that’s even more reason to un-elect democRATs and RINOs both to clean things up. President Trump is doing his level best to drain the Swamp. This year it’s time for for us to do our part!

  12. I never accepted Obama. The first words out of my mouth after he was elected were “My God that imposter has access to everything this country has ever created and he will destroy us.”
    I think the Traitor should be dragged through the streets of the USA from East Coast to West Coast and let the people stone him to death in the tradition of his Muslim faith.

  13. “He won fair and square because the Republicans serially put up two milquetoast opponents ”

    One small quibble here. I don’t believe Obutthole ever won any election “fair and square”. There was certainly massive voter fraud in both of his presidential elections.

  14. @Cisco Kid May 15, 2020 at 5:03 am

    > The ROE during his eight years of depravity is responsible for thousands of GI’s deaths and many incarcerations of Junior Leaders.

    I’m nonplussed. Are you claiming the loss of a few of The Party’s voluntary wet workers is bad for the United States? Or bad for Americans?

  15. @TRF May 15, 2020 at 9:48 am

    > President Trump is doing his level best to drain the Swamp.

    True. All too true.

    > This year it’s time for for us to do our part!

    As long as that’s the same “part” we played, every other time we were “offered” a “part” to “play”.

  16. When I saw that headline, I thought of the Byrds redo of the song Turn, Turn, Turn:


    – someone needs to have some fun with changing the lyrics to fit the modern time we ‘find’ ourselves in, this was a Hippie Anthem who Pete Seeger took from Ecclesiastical and added one line at the end – “I swear it’s not toooo late”.

    The AS has a subscription wall. And I went past my numbers of visits, apparently?


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