Coroner Says Man Died of Alcohol Poisoning, State Says Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Coroner Says Man Died of Alcohol Poisoning, State Says Coronavirus


The Colorado Department of Health and Environment is listing coronavirus as cause of death of a Colorado man despite the county coroner ruling that he died of ethanol toxicity with an astounding 0.55 blood-alcohol level.

A blood-alcohol level of 0.3 is generally considered fatal.

Although the unidentified man tested positive for coronavirus, County Coroner George Deavers said he disagreed with the state’s assessment after his investigation with a pathologist revealed that the man’s blood-alcohol content was nearly seven times the legal driving limit of 0.08. More

11 Comments on Coroner Says Man Died of Alcohol Poisoning, State Says Coronavirus

  1. This is but one example out of the approximately at least 60,000 cases of this so far in this country.

    Birx claimed 25% over reporting. I claim bullshit. More like 75%.

  2. Their death numbers are as reliable as their model of future death numbers. Complete made up bullshit, just like global warming.


    We have in Wash DC one party, the democrats, who investigate the shit out of people who haven’t done anything. And the other party, republicans, who refuse to investigate people who are knee deep in crimes.

    I long for the day when the citizens of this country are ready to do something about it.

  3. Let’s see.
    If every death is Corona Virus, and the Corona Virus is Trump’s fault:
    Donald Trump is directly responsible for every person that dies in America, every single day.
    So, Donald Trump killed all those people.
    Who could do that?
    The Devil. That’s who.
    Ever notice that Beelzebub spelled backwards id Donald Trump?

  4. As testing ramped up faster than these geniuses predicted, the necessity to boost up the death toll increased proportionally in order to keep the death rate high.

  5. .55%? Either someone was pouring liquor down that fellas throat or he was a legend. Rock stars and groupees would be in awe of him but now he’s just a statistic


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