Leftist Press To McEnany: ‘Obamagate, What Is It?’ – She Serves Up The Details – IOTW Report

Leftist Press To McEnany: ‘Obamagate, What Is It?’ – She Serves Up The Details

MRC: Did you ever get the feeling that sometimes the leftist media really doesn’t know what they are in for when they go after this administration? 

On Friday, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked about “What the president called Obamagate, what is it? What are the elements of that crime?”

“I’m really glad you asked because there hasn’t been a lot of journalistic curiosity on this front. And I’m very glad that you asked this question,” McEnany said. more

h/t Cakes.

28 Comments on Leftist Press To McEnany: ‘Obamagate, What Is It?’ – She Serves Up The Details

  1. My first impression of her was that there was no way a cute little blonde lady would do well as the press secretary. I’m happy to say I was wrong, she is doing a great job, and she is tough as hell! I bet the White House press corps is starting to figure that out also.

  2. I am amazed that this douche journo has not had his face drawn on his mask. What a huffing, puffing simp. Every time he inhaled, it looked like tighty whiteys stuck in a crack. Thank you for shriveling him into a corncob, Kayleigh.

  3. “..They’ve been ignored by the media for far too long. And I’m very glad – I think that is the second question that I have fielded on Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, because justice does matter. Those questions, they matter.” – Kayleigh McEnany

    This is the equivalent of a fighter crouching with an outstretched hand toward the enemy – palm up – and curling the fingers in several times. “Come on! Bring it, bitch!”

  4. Old D.J. sure knows how to pick em! When that dipshit stands up to leave he’ll find he’s been eviscerated and ends up holding his intestines as he leave the room! 🙂

    And Cakes, she reminds me a lot of YOU, don’t get on her bad side! 🙂

  5. She is sweet and innocent until the first brartrap sounds, then she hangs them on their own petard. With her notebook, she is loaded for bear.
    Asking stupid questions is a big mistake!

  6. The amazing thing is the idiot reporter didn’t even know what “Obamagate” is. If he did, he surely would never have asked the question. Then he doubled-down on stupid by asking what the crime was. I’m guessing his fellow reporters, afterwards, put a bag over his head and beat the shit out of him for not following protocol by running interference for Barry.

  7. I still don’t know why they even allow democrat media to have access at all. Why can’t Trump just pack the room with OAN, Breitbart, Newsmax reporters. What law gives CNN the right have anyone sitting in the room? Put them out in the hallway.

  8. Wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… 😆

    You THINK the media numbnoos 🤡 would learn their lesson, but like Sideshow Bob – no matter HOW many rakes you throw out there, they’ll step on ’em ALL! TWICE. 🤣

  9. MOAB dropped, mission complete and onto to the next high value target(s) now…get’em good Kayleigh! And show No Quarter…in the process…

    We and the POTUS are VERY fortunate to have. I KNOW for a fact, I can tell she does her research in depth. The very same research the Fourth/Fifth Estate is not doing or at the very least not ‘sharing’, to use a word these daze, with us(a).

  10. @LCD – you raise a good point. My first thought was that he looked like a FOX reporter, but I couldn’t remember who he looked like. Maybe it will come out later.

  11. President Trump has just given those reporters one of his hidden lethal weapons. McEnany is not to be trifled with. I think they are afraid to argue with her.

  12. She is young, quite purty and very off the charts smart, everything a greasy haired lib is Not, especially the old hippies still trying to be…dirty looking at best.

    I see them driving around all the time with their stupid bumpers stickers.

  13. DOC
    52 years ago I got in a bad fight with a big ChiCom (Mongolian?). Gutted him. He dropped his Kalashnikov to put his guts back in. I kicked him in the face; while he was on the ground iIgave him “Coupe de Grace”. I to this day think “What dumb a–!” Never drop your weapon, never!

  14. She’s the best Press Secretary President Trump has appointed so far – sharp as a tack, quick wit, dedicated conservative conviction and the ability to gut punch liberal media without effort.


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