Bobcat’s Amazing Leap – IOTW Report

Bobcat’s Amazing Leap

Graceful and amazing.

23 Comments on Bobcat’s Amazing Leap

  1. Somehow I think…SHE’s done that before…many times…

    Doing some math this morning and I scaled the length of the leap. If the length of a bobcat is about 3 depending m/f that is about..almost twelve feet?

    Very cool.

  2. Then there was my Ivan. He was a lovable, talkative, incredibly UNgraceful lug who had several misshaps that always made me think he was terribly hurt. One time, I had the balcony slider open to let in the wonderful spring air. He had been in and out several times. I closed the door eventually, but poor Ivan found out it was shut when he barreled down the hallway and BAM!, right into the shut door! Before I could jump up to render any aid I thought he would need after breaking his skull, he backed up a few inches, shook his head and continued to play.

    I still miss him terribly.

  3. C,

    Scary! But I have a more different story of me own, perhaps the opposite of Ivan? The Ungraceful Lug! RIP

    We had cat, named Buddy (stripped black Taby), not to be confused with the Buds (tuxedo cat) we have now that you have seen. But when Buddy was a youngster? He could BALANCE AND WALK on a curtain rod. It’s true. He was something else that one.

    I’ll send a pic of him for the memorial CritterSundays theme…yeah we miss him dearly too. :>(

    We had another kitty called Elmo, a torteshell persian, a RESCUE, if you can believe it he was LEFT (abandoned) in a carrier container, under the 6 Elevated train in the Bronx on a cold winter night, turns that cat was soooo freaking docile you I and could have just about ‘played catch’ with him, another good one gone…will have to send a pic of him as well…Breathe!


  4. My brother had a large yellow tabby named Rocky who was murder on catching birds in mid flight, he would jump up 3 or 4 feet into the air and nail birds as they were flying by. And I’ve seen my small yellow tabby leap over a 4 foot chain link fence before in one graceful long leap, I was impressed.

  5. Purrrrrfection. Ghost -good estimation, about high above the water do you think and what is the height of the arc!? LOL…more math to do for you.

    And the guy that took that? Excellent documentation as well, that is pretty darn rare event to see in the wild and get the pic…

  6. ghost of brig gen j glover MAY 16, 2020 AT 10:29 AM

    “Somehow I think…SHE’s done that before…many times…”

    Yeah, My first thought was the cat had done it before. Still beautiful to watch.

    My Sylvie can leap 4-5 times her height like it was nothing. No idea what her limit is.

    Never have seen Ninja Kitty (outdoor cat) leap at all, but I’ve seen many of her kills. Rather, what’s left of them. She fed herself for 6 months before I knew she was abandoned by my neighbor when they moved.

    #2 son brought his fiance’ over to meet me for the first time and found what looked like a bird explosion right in front of my door. Feathers everywhere with a few body parts here and there. I have a photo of it. Oh well, “Hi future DiL! Hope you didn’t bring any birds with you, Ninja Kitty is probably still hungry.”

  7. @Hambone – is that feline kinda big for a bobacat? I first saw it and thought, Everglades like Puma, or like you said mountain lion? It was filmed in Louisana turns out, looks like a bayou?

  8. @ ghost of brig gen j glover

    Male bobcats are huge compared to female bobcats. Can be over twice as big. That’s the only thing that has me guess it’s a male. That cat looks bigger than female bobcats around here.

  9. Household pets can act like wild animals, on rare occasions.

    But, My 13 year old cat has never scratched me (out of anger) and growled at me only once when I was holding her back from her dinner.

    However, I tried to nuzzle my dog once, he didn’t like it and bit me in the nose. I had a scar on my nose. For a while it was noticeable and kind of embarrassing.

    Ya gotta be careful with all pets. They have minds of their own.

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