Antibody tests continue to suggest COVID-19 far more widespread, less deadly than initially thought – IOTW Report

Antibody tests continue to suggest COVID-19 far more widespread, less deadly than initially thought

Just The News: Spain and Boston are among the latest to announce significant findings.

International alarm surrounding the coronavirus has been driven largely by early estimates about the death rate, but new antibody tests are significantly undercutting those projections.

In early March, for example, World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom declared that globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. He added, “by comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”

For reasons that were unclear, Adhanom was comparing the death rate of reported COVID-19 cases to that of the total number of influenza infections. This kind of apples-to-oranges accounting is guaranteed to make the coronavirus death rate seem astronomically higher than that of the flu. read more

6 Comments on Antibody tests continue to suggest COVID-19 far more widespread, less deadly than initially thought

  1. My wife just told me this virus is like road construction. You can’t go where you want to go, no one knows why it is here and not there, once something gets done, another road block emerges and no one can tell you what is going on and when it will end.

  2. This has always been a no-brainer. The death rate is what it is. The deaths due to WuHan Flu are a constant, albeit, increasing as each new one is reported. But they are a known variable. What ISN’T a constant or known variable is the number infections.

    Early mortality rate calculations were based on only a PARTIAL reporting of actual infections. Meaning that there were a LOT more cases that hadn’t been reported yet because testing was still very limited. As testing grew, the number of reported infections grew, and conversely, the actual mortality rate decreased.

    The mortality rate was NEVER 3.4% or any other outrageous fear-mongering number the left threw out there. Of course, that will never be reported. Instead, the left and left media will focus ONLY on the increasing reported cases. Disingenuous, ideological bastards – all of them.

  3. This was stunningly obvious from the beginning especially with the demographic data indicating that the overwhelming number of deaths were from the 75+ age group. There had to be a fairly widespread distribution of the virus when it hit the relatively immobile and sheltered elderly especially since this is apparently a highly contagious virus. Just looking at the CDC data, you could see that if you applied the same numbers that were being used to compute the coronavirus death rate (not using total estimated cases) that the flu mortality rate was 10% which was much higher than the coronavirus rate. If you extrapolated the coronavirus in the same matter as they do with the flu then you would arrive at a .1% mortality rate, much like the flu.


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