Face Mask Virtue Signalling – IOTW Report

Face Mask Virtue Signalling

ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on Face Mask Virtue Signalling

  1. Since I’ve been confined at home while I am recovering from surgery on my left foot, the only time that I wear a face mask is when I have a Dr’s appointment. I will not comply with this when I recover (hopefully in 2-3 weeks, hallelujah) I will be able to be back to normal and can go back out in public. Bill Gates who I used to have respect for and his ilk can kiss my ass.

  2. I laugh my ass off every time I see someone driving alone in their car while wearing a mask, and almost always with the windows all rolled up. They also tend to be older folks (at least 60 y.o. or older). They remind me of someone driving through an NBC environment wearing MOPP gear.

  3. I carry my mask on a carabiner on my belt loop. It stays there until I have to step into a store with a “masks required!” sign—and nowhere else. I wouldn’t wear it in the car or while walking around even if you assigned your stimulus check over to me (which would be nice, as I haven’t seen hide nor hair of mine).

  4. Sheeple wake up! Stop living in fear, stop letting talking airheads on tv and the internet tell you what you should do. Exercise the one thing that God gave us to allow us to be at the top of the food chain – critical thinking, and it’s sister attribute, common sense.

    I too will not wear a face mask unless it is absolutely required at a business that I want to go to – and even then, I refuse to put it over my nose.

  5. You are now legally and demonstratively hereby Certified to identify, document and remember these Nazis, seen and unseen, by the masks they wear, both on and off the field.

  6. My mask is 3 months old and dirty as shit. I put it on when i go to the grocery store and the beer store just to piss people off!

    That’s right. We have a specific Government Oligopoly where you line up like an asshole, wait for a little Hitler to give you instructions, then criticize how you sort your empties, and act like you are bothering them by keeping the fuckers employed. It pays upwards of $25 per hour.

    30 beers (bud) $48.95 Canadian ($36 Us aprox.)

    F U T H E R M U C K E R S!

  7. I don’t understand why people I see driving around with a face mask aren’t also wearing a hard hat, safety glasses, hearing protection, orange vest, steel toed shoes and a condom.

  8. If I’m ever confronted about no mask I plan on telling that person…”Well I had my mask on then when I started coughing up blood it got all messy and gooey so I left it in the car!” Then see how fast they can back away. 🙂

  9. @Larrytheenlightenedliberal May 17, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    “…I put up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes at my house…”

    Which means you wear a mask everywhere too.

  10. We have one Grocery Store that is enforcing all this happy horse shit. Every time I’m subjected to “Mask Check” I think to my self “I wonder what their reaction would be if they knew I had a 1911 under my shirt”.
    Since when did a bandana become an effective or approved barrier for killer germs?

  11. N95 mask wear…This mask is put on properly in front of a mirror for proper fit. I apply mine at home, that’s why I wear mine while driving!
    Cloth masks and surgical masks are dangerous when sheeple wearing them feel entitled to ignore distancing! Young whipersnappers!
    There needs to be a public service ad for proper handwashing.
    Rant over!

  12. Florida has been pretty normal (well, for Florida). Here in Tampa I’ve not noticed anywhere demanding masks to come in but a resale shop yesterday had a guy politely doing a one-out, one-in thing at the door, so I had to wait about three minutes for someone to check out. Nobody seemed to have a problem with it. That’s the greatest inconvenience I think I’ve faced in any business since this idiocy began.

  13. Oy!
    This nonsense gives me gas.
    You can go here but not there,
    On the beach you can play this game but not those games
    You have to wear a little bag on your nose in these places
    We get to tell you what to do, and more importantly what NOT to do
    We are from the Government and we are here to help
    This is for your own good
    It hurts us more than it does you
    I call Bosh and Nonsense

  14. I am thinking of buying some light blue mesh and making a mask out of it. I bet no one would even notice. All anyone actually cares about is that it LOOKS like you are one of the compliant. The problem is, I don’t even want to appear compliant.

  15. No mask for me, ever.
    It gives me hypoxia.
    Had a dude refuse to shake my hand the other day.
    He offered my an elbow bump, which kinda surprised me.
    The next guy that did that, I asked him if that was the same fuqn elbow his government told him to sneeze into.
    He just hung his head……..

  16. I like my mask. Makes me look like a beardy overlord. I hope the Klan of Karen never goes back to making it illegal for me to wear my mask in public. Did they ever bother repealing those? By the way?

  17. @judgeroybean I frequent Costco Facebook blasting them for their policy on the facemask. Fuck them. I joined Sam’s Club and used my Costco Citibank card to do it. Screw you Costco! I ain’t putting a Maxi-pad on my face – I got done with those 20 years ago, and it wasn’t on my face! Don’t shop at Big 5 sporting goods either, they want you to wear a mask as well. I can buy whatever I need at Sam’s club or WalMart, matters not to me. Shop at Good Feet for hiking boots, no mask required.

  18. @BB – “Since when did a bandana become an effective or approved barrier for killer germs?”
    An excellent question, sir. And I’m surprised more doctors don’t wear them, especially at the rates they charge.

  19. except for being laid off due to being in the “vulnurable population,” we’re doing just fine….so far….
    the extra $600 a week has enabled us to pay our out of work kid to work for us here, doing manual labor and carpentry work that actually needs to be done – this weekend he replaced the front stairs to the porch, frinstance…..

    even so, china needs to pay for this, it was clearly an act of war against the entire world…notice, beijing and shanghai and other important parts of china were left untouched….persons from wuhan were not allowed into the rest of china, but they were encouraged to travel internationally….go celebrate the chinese new year!!!!!

    year of the metal rat….not a good year for china, but they don’t mind so much as long as they can bring the rest of us down with them…….


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