100,000 small businesses are not coming back after idiotic shutdown – IOTW Report

100,000 small businesses are not coming back after idiotic shutdown

100,000 Businesses Have Permanently Collapsed Under Pandemic Lockdowns

More than 100,000 small businesses have permanently shuttered within just two months as pandemic lockdowns devastated the nation’s economy landing 36 million Americans out of work, according to a new survey this week.

A team of researchers at the University of Illinois, Harvard University, Harvard Business School and University of Chicago discovered at least 2 percent of the nation’s small businesses are now gone after conducting a representative survey of more than 5,800 enterprises between May 9-11.

17 Comments on 100,000 small businesses are not coming back after idiotic shutdown

  1. Think of all the things you can buy at Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Costco where large numbers of people typically gather. Then think of the 1000s of small stores where small numbers of people typically gather that sell the same or very similar items. Now the small guys are forced to close, stuffing even more people into the big stores. Gee, social distancing science sure is difficult to figure out, it’s a good thing we have politicians to explain it for us. More people together = better, but more people together = bad at the same time. Got it? It’s science!

    The scamdemic has gutted the little guys and taken away their opportunities all with help from the government who is supposed to recognize the rights of everyone equally. I thought the left was against the 1% – Their actions sure don’t suggest so. All these small business closures ensure the rich get richer and the poor and middle class get poorer.

  2. There are a lot of directly causal villains in this tragedy. Chinese Communist Party, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation, multiple NIH bureaucracies, Democrat pols at both state and fed levels, and of course the binder that holds it all together, the complicit, scare-mongering, anti-American legacy media. Damn them all.

  3. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 12:53 am

    > And we’re just getting started with our Communists. We really need to crush them. Now.

    Yes. Let us, loyal citizens. Loyal citizens, all. Join together. In this great struggle. To free The Party of the evils of communalism. All for one, and one for all. From each according to ability. To make The Party great. As great as it ever was. Same as it ever was. But greater.

  4. “Think of all the things you can buy at Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Costco”

    mostly made in china and cheap.

    then “think of the 1000s of small stores”

    who are more likely to sell products made in the usa.

    see the difference ?

    there was a reason to close them that made sense to the commies in china who have bought our professional politicians like hiden biden who defends them yet.

    as bad as it is for the owners of the small businesses, who lost it all, there will be someone who can reopen or open new stores to replace them.

    that is as long as we remain a free people!

  5. “100,000 small businesses are not coming back after idiotic shutdown”

    …but it’s not idiotic, really, it actually is doing what the Democrats WANT it to do, which is to economically strangle the United States to take the President’s best issue away from him, keep people in fear so voting will be done by easily ‘lost’ mail (ask the military how THAT works), and all the while reducing the middle class they hate so much into the dependant serfs they want them to be.

    …no, if you understand their motives, it’s not idiotic AT ALL.

    Never confuse “Evil” with “Stupid”. They are NOT the same thing.

    And if you do so, you may dismiss your enemy as a fool until it’s too late and he’s behind you with a shiv…

  6. Just stop the insanity and reopen everything. The answer isn’t more government intervention it is for them to get the hell out of the way. And I’m sick of pretending some states are doing better. Here in Texas republican Gov Abbott has his foot on our necks, The man won’t open bars. What can open is at 25%, impossible to be profitable. Enough of this!

  7. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 8:00 am

    > Just stop the insanity and reopen everything. The answer isn’t more government intervention it is for them to get the hell out of the way.

    I can’t even. But persevere, we must…

    No! You gibbering, bowtie straightening, tard!

    They declared us “enemy”. They launched an(other) attack. They have killed many, destroyed much, and looted more!

    And your “solution”, is to “let bygones be bygones”. As long as it loots you MOAR MONEYZ! From your couch.

    Will no corona rid us of these booming boomers? Is there no hope, until the last bowtie merchant retires to a less wasted land?

  8. Also not coming back are your elderly Republic voters in retirement facilities and nursing homes.

    For them, and for future victims, it’s now Hell On Earth.


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