U.S. suffers in pandemics because we have so many fat and sickly people – IOTW Report

U.S. suffers in pandemics because we have so many fat and sickly people

I’m sure Alex Azar is going to take heat for having the balls to cite facts.

red state-

You know, if you are going to bill yourself as a straight talking, unbiased reporter, perhaps not falling into obviously untrue tropes would be prudent. But such advice is only useful to those not looking to push false narratives. Jake Tapper isn’t one of those people.

The CNN reporter interviewed HHS Secretary Alex Azar this morning and attempted to assert that the United States’ reponse to the Wuhan virus has been uniquely bad. He interrupts at one point to say that “it’s worse for us than it is for anyone else.”

Azar wasn’t going to let that falsehood stand.

After Azar points out that our mortality rates are lower than many other first world countries, Tapper goes back to the well of emotion to say “but what about the dead bodies,” as if that’s a counter factual or something.

Eventually, realizing he’s got nowhere left to go, Tapper then accuses Azar of “blaming the American people” for their own deaths because it was pointed out that the United States has much higher rates of obesity and other factors. Those leave us at a higher risk for complications compared to many other countries.


6 Comments on U.S. suffers in pandemics because we have so many fat and sickly people

  1. I’ve had more than my fair share of that insufferable son of a bitch Fake Crapper.

    But go back to 2016 and see how dewey fresh faced he was compared to now. The Trump Effect baby!

  2. “higher rates of obesity and other factors”

    yes this may be true

    because affluence comes with a price doesn’t it?

    we are fat and we have a lot of sickly people not because we are bad but because we can afford it.

    don’t worry, if the democrats have their way, they will murder the sick and starve the rest.
    remember obamacare’s death panels and big mikes school lunch program ?

  3. I cannot help but think that, were this not an election year, there wouldn’t be millions of morons walking around with pieces of cloth stretched over their faces. Speaking of elections, don’t forget that Maduro was very successful with the obesity problem in Venezuela.

  4. When PIXAR released its animated film “WALL-E” in 2008, it was hard to ignore the scathing indictment of laziness (of body, mind and spirit) and the subsequent obesity and fealty thereof. The primary culprits were consumerism (“Buy -n- Large” chain stores) and “the pursuit of happiness” which was the chain’s tagline.

    Although the children’s movie was unvarnished propaganda against American consumerism, waste, and how we were destroying the planet with our insatiable appetites, it actually did provide a mirror of the horrors of Walmart as the answer to all our needs. We are the most obese people on the planet per-capita, and most of our illnesses are caused by obesity and inactivity. It has become so bad that pop culture celebrates and protects obesity. You better not pick on the fat kid in school lest you call forth a mass shooting.

    Anyone been to a county fair in the past 20 years? More fat/obese people than those of normal body weight. WAY more obese children than those of normal body weight. You at least had to get up off the sofa to change the tee vee channel when those of us here were kids. Our moms didn’t stuff the fridge and pantry with microwave goodies (no microwaves) that we snacked on all day between video games. In fact we didn’t have “snack” every couple of hours, and at halftime during soccer practice.

  5. If you want people to eat better, remove ALL taxes from healthy foods like milk, eggs, non processed meats & cheese.

    That is very different than additional taxes on junk food.

    AbigailAdams – very very good point!

    In 1000 years humans will have hooked necks and only 2 fingers and a thumb for their I phones.


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