Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them – IOTW Report

Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them

Federalist\ Mollie Hemingway: As facts about the Obama administration’s spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.

Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”

Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”

The Media Are in Too Deep

The less deft at pushing out the partisan talking point include MSNBC’s Brian Williams, who literally asked implicated former CIA chief John Brennan if he could “once and for all” explain to people who had heard about the scandal despite his corporation’s best efforts why it was no big deal. Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo complained that a biased NBC News piece that itself attempted to wave away the scandal was not biased enough for his liking. The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein begged Axios not to cover the issue lest it help Trump, in the way that covering Hillary Clinton’s email scandal may have helped Trump. more

20 Comments on Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them

  1. It’s too late for the media. Too many of us will never trust them again. Too many of us will despise them for their corruption and chi comm-funded treason.

  2. This is a case of the frog and the scorpion. These people are simply propagandists driven by hate. They aren’t going to magically turn into journalists and start reporting the news. They don’t know how.

  3. XiNN, NBXi, MSDNC, ABXi,and in canada XiBXi: I watch a bit because I like to see them openly cry on TV

    I watch a of Fox News because the women all have great legs and I am a P I G!

    I am that simple and ignorant.

  4. Show of hands – How many of you read the headline for this article and thought it was a Babylon Bee piece?
    I agree with @Anonymous, it is too late.
    Ms. Hemingway is correct, they should take advantage of this opportunity, but they will not. They are too invested in the Orange Man Bad / TDS propaganda.

    I will make a prediction, we may see one or two people report the story accurately, but all of the major network “stars” will avoid it, or downplay it.

  5. There are a few actual journalists who are reporting a lot of the facts, but they are noteworthy in that they have shifted away from the legacy media. Even some lib/prog reporters are being honest about most things: Greenwald, Taibbi, Lee Smith. Atkisson and John Solomon also come to mind. To emphasize, these people are no longer closely tied to the big corporate MarxStreamMedia. The MSM is too invested and/or deranged ever to recover.

  6. It has been “too late”for decades.

    e.g. 42 years ago a very rich Governor (Sheepskins from very expensive American and English schools) raped 7 women. 3 of them filed charges. the Press hid the news from America. On rare occasions Disney did mention “Trailer trash”. The leftist “law enforcement” hounded the 3 dumb/bold enough to press charges. If you listened to Larry Elder or “El Rusbo” 40 years ago you were enlightened. The MSM kept you in the dark

    One of his very angry victims (not nearly as mad as I would be were I the victim of liberal police harassment) was in the conservative net 2 years ago BROADDRICK!

    THE PRESS LIED ABOUT BILL 42 YEARS AGO! And continued to lie for 19 years!

    Every one at IOWT Should be familiar with my story.

    I could tell you of lies the W Post put out as “news” 70 years ago but most are too young to relate. Hope you all can relate to the lies about the Clintons!

    The MSM has had a hate America agenda for at least 75 years. Nowhere in the agenda is “crdibility”, not integrity, not morals!

    they care not! Only fabricated Ugly American “news”

  7. Indictments of Brennan and company will force the media to cover it.

    Where are the indictments?

    Where are the indictments?

    Where are the indictments?

    Where are the indictments?

  8. It’s already too late. The news media and government are so chock full of lying cunts and crooks and fascists that I’ll never take anything any one of them says on face value ever again. It’s just basic common sense. So, good luck on getting people to take that Corona virus “vaccine” government/media assholes.

  9. If it’s not too late, it never will be.

    As far as I’m concerned, if you lie – you are a liar.
    You cannot trust a liar to be anything other than a liar. EVER.
    No matter how much you beat him.
    The Media have been lying for years – some for decades – others for nearly a century.
    They cannot be trusted to convey simple non-partisan facts about what should be actual news – a robbery – a mugging – a burglary – a murder – a rape – a protest – a legal issue – so how could they be trusted with something as convoluted as politics?

    No. Any fukkin dork sitting on his couch, stuffing popcorn up his ass, and still watching the Lame Stream Media isn’t going to have a sudden revelation.
    And any Media outfit, transmitting complete and utter totalitarian bullshit for the past ten years isn’t going to suddenly have a conscience – or even a Road to Damascus moment, thinking “Gee! People might want to have some facts served with their bullshit!”

    I don’t think the Devil re-negotiates.
    (but I have been wrong before)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. @Anonymous, you said: “It’s too late for the media. Too many of us will never trust them again. Too many of us will despise them for their corruption and chi comm-funded treason.”

    Your statement should read: It’s too late for the media. Too many of us never trusted them. Too many of us despise them for their corruption and chi comm-funded treason.

    They’re Nazis!

  11. President Trump is a genius!
    Who would have thought that a politician could run a campaign of truth, honesty and integrity, and then follow through with it while actually serving?…
    All the while, exposing the corrupt and spineless opposition by just letting the slow but deliberate wheels of justice reveal their lawlessness for all to see?

    P.S. – I LOVE typing “President Trump”!

  12. Main Stream DEMENTIACRAT Media. They are nothing more than the Ministry of Propaganda with dozens of egotistical American versions of Joseph Goebbles acting on behalf of the Dementiacrat Party. If they report the truth, they will confess their guilt in this conspiracy.


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