Fantastic drone footage of Trump’s southern border wall – IOTW Report

Fantastic drone footage of Trump’s southern border wall

I like saying Trump’s wall.

ht/ woody

17 Comments on Fantastic drone footage of Trump’s southern border wall

  1. The only thing I disagree with is “tripling” the number of immigrants/green cards/. We don’t need more people at this time. Plenty of Americans here already, we don’t need to make more.

  2. @ Dan Knowles
    MAY 19, 2020 AT 12:43 PM
    “The only thing I disagree with is “tripling” the number of immigrants/green cards/. We don’t need more people at this time. Plenty of Americans here already, we don’t need to make more.“

    I agree, but Kenneth made this video before all the lockdowns and massive unemployment.

  3. @Badco MAY 19, 2020 AT 1:23 PM
    “The tubing used on this section of the wall is injection filled with concrete rendering cutting tools useless.”

    And if you try and use a cutting torch/plasma cutter, you are likely to get a Wile E. Coyote-style explosion as the moisture in the concrete suddenly turns into steam. 🙂

  4. Tony R,

    PPE required

    Intense bursts of UV and other frequently recorded wavelengths that can automatically signal remote controlled microbursts monitors that spark autoimmune bodies. Double duty cycles record global cooling temps solving long range local weather forecasts.


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