Kamala Harris Tries Running Interference For Biden On Senate Homeland Committee Subpoena – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Tries Running Interference For Biden On Senate Homeland Committee Subpoena

Washington Examiner

Sen. Kamala Harris called on the Senate Homeland Security Committee to focus on the coronavirus rather than continuing its investigation related to the Bidens and Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas firm.

The committee will vote Wednesday on Chairman Ron Johnson’s request to subpoena people from Blue Star Strategies, a Democratic public relations firm that represented Burisma in the United States while Hunter Biden was on the board. In a Monday letter to Johnson, Harris said the vote should not be prioritized over the committee’s work related to the pandemic.

“It has now been over two months since our committee’s last hearing with administration officials responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and two years since we have had an oversight hearing with the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency,” the California Democrat wrote. More

I imagine she’s bucking for the VP nomination, in contrast to how she started her political career. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on Kamala Harris Tries Running Interference For Biden On Senate Homeland Committee Subpoena

  1. During her reign over CalDoj as attorney general her employees considered her a buffoon and a moron. How do I know? I was building guns for about 5 of them. She spent a lot of time trying to redefine what a gun was in regards to a lower receiver. Never did get it done.

  2. nome sane

    I was left with the impression she spends a lot of time acting giggly stupid. Like that time Chuckles had a bunch of libtards up on stage and he had to tell her to knock it off.
    She’s an air head.

  3. No, we always have time for justice.

    So transparent an attempt to shield Biden and his crack head loser pervert son and to curry favor to be VP. She is a horrible person and any of my fellow Californians who voted for her are simply despicable.

  4. So, just talking about this corruption was cause for impeachment of a President for daring to mention obvious corruption by a former VP and his unqualified son.
    However, that former VP bragging about the bribe ($1 billion), which has been corroborated by release of actual conversation between the former VP and the Ukrainian leader, specifically outlining the quid pro quo (obvious smoking gun evidence), is a distraction.
    Reminds me of the bizarro Superman world where everything was reversed.


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