Team Biden Panics As Leaked Ukraine Phone Calls May Require Appointment of a Special Counsel – IOTW Report

Team Biden Panics As Leaked Ukraine Phone Calls May Require Appointment of a Special Counsel

RedState: Interesting stuff today materialized out of Ukraine. Ukraine, for those of you wearing face masks, is a nation that was vitally critical to US national interests right up to the point when President Trump’s impeachment charges were laughed out of a Senate that counts Mitt Romney among its members. Ukraine became a political battleground in the US because Joe Biden somehow managed to get his grifting, coke-sniffing, baby-daddy son a job on the board of a directors of a company in an industry with which he was not familiar in a country to which he has no family ties and can’t even speak the language of the rest of the board. Now debunked allegations that President Trump conditioned military assistance to Ukraine upon Ukraine investigating Joe Biden led to Trump’s kangaroo court session run by Jerry Nadler and the farcical Senate trial that followed.

Today some tapes were leaked by a Ukraine Member of Parliament named Andrii Derkach. Here are the tapes, in YouTube form, and here are key parts via Robby Starbuck on Twitter.

And the Biden campaign and their fluffers in the media literally beshat themselves

Joe Biden’s director of pudding…I mean ‘rapid response,’ the Truth Over Facts guy. more

13 Comments on Team Biden Panics As Leaked Ukraine Phone Calls May Require Appointment of a Special Counsel

  1. Don’t do it! Don’t appoint a Special Anything. Dementia Joe cannot be denied his rendezvous with Truth over Facts. The Dementiacrat Party and their handmaidens in the MSDM deserve this Catastrophe. They earned this jackass. He’s the living embodiment of the Donkeycrats.

  2. Commies insist there are absolutely no bats in Biden’s belfry, he’s fit to be president. Charge him with a crime and the commies will pull a most predictable switcheroo, insist Biden is mentally unfit to assist in his own defense.

  3. Extirpates – That’s exactly why I’ve called him a grinning imbecile who swaggars around like some arrogant used car lot manager with the personality of a drunken, stone-cold crooked Tourettes-addled Winnebago man who’s hamstrung with the mental agility of Karl Childers! The damn fool has to be kept out of the spot light just to keep him from being a public spectacle who steps on his dick everytime he opens his mouth!

  4. Ask the defenders how the Russians managed to forger their voices? Perhaps a FISA warrant is in order and the NSA could pull all of these records from their archive?

  5. Your lips to Gods ears Fur…

    Even Lady Lindsey is talking about subpoenas and the Homeland Security Senate Community just used one.

    Maybe, just maybe the preponderance of evidence from the declassification will force the rats to scurry and finally reach the critical mass of a Special Counsel.

  6. Where the fuck were the Vindictiveman Twins and Eric CIArasmella when THIS phone call occurred?? No whistleblower? Bueller…..Bueller??

    Oh yeah, that’s right, they were probably translating for Greezy Joe AND giving him talking points on how to extort even more bribe money out of the Ukrainian corruptocrats.

    The Democrat Party, the Left, the media and the Deep State are despicable.


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