How Much Water is on Earth? – IOTW Report

How Much Water is on Earth?

This video manages to scare you. When we look at the blue orb we imagine the water being very deep in relation to the planet. But in reality, if the earth was an apple, the water is as deep as the skin.

This video shows how much water we have for drinking.

ht/ ohio dan

35 Comments on How Much Water is on Earth?

  1. All the water is for drinking. It’s simply that some of it is clean enough to drink as-is, and some of it needs some level of purification.

    The perceived shortage of clean water is the result of its socialization, and the distribution of the cost of providing it to other than those who consume it. The end result is that the very large majority of water consumers pay very little of the cost of cleaning and delivering it. As anybody who has read even the intro chapter to an elementary economics text will tell you, when the price goes down the demand goes up. And since most water systems are socialized, consumption is considered a cost instead of a profit.

  2. Uh there is 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth. My math works out to 270 billion gallons for each and every individual on the planet. There are such things called desalination plants. more lefty bullshit!!

  3. A sphere 35 miles across contains 24,717,589,810,632,330 gallons. (About 3.5 million gallons per person.) It’s not so scary if you look at it that way.

    Also, thanks to the water cycle, it doesn’t get used up. We reuse the same water over and over again.

  4. While it IS true that the depth of water on Earth is like skin; if Earth were a smooth nonporous sphere, then the skin of water would be ONE-POINT-SEVEN MILES THICK. Please pardon my SCREAMING. On the other hand, if the Gaian tree huggers could run humanity through a giant blender, then the resultant paste could be smeared evenly over the same nonporous sphere to a depth of six-tenths of a MILLIONTH of a meter.

  5. Right now I got way more water than I want. My beans are drowning! The roof on our house collects 21000 gallons a year which is almost exactly what we use each year. What’s the problem?

  6. Toenex
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 3:16 PM
    “About the same as when it was first put there.”


    Try to destroy a drop of water.

    You can’t.

    You can make it dirty or change its form, but you really can’t get rid of it.

    Except for the 11 bags of pee that Apollo 13 jettisoned to save oxygen.

    THAT water has left the building.

    …but it may still be in orbit…

  7. On a related note, yesterday we learned that because of the global shutdown CO2 emissions dropped about 17%.
    The Greenies’ goal is more like 80-90% reduction in CO2 output. Massive destruction of the global economy gave us 17%. The Greenies’ goal is unpossible.

  8. Jeez guys, I just thought it was an interesting vid. I am well aware wehave plenty of water. Also,since our oceans continuously have water evaporating into the sky and replenishing our fresh water supply, I wasn’t worried about running out of water any time soon.

  9. according to NASA/Global Precip Climatology Project it rains 941 km³ every day

    … comes out to 241,453,254,834,785.84 gallons per day!,+liquid%5d

    241,453,254,834,785.84/8 billion people on earth = 30,181.66 gallons per person every day!
    (if I worked my fingers correctly on the calculator)

    … I’m thinkin’ that’s may be just enough

  10. Some water vapor escapes into space. Eventually, it may all evaporate, leaving us flopping around like a fish on a dock! Somebody find a scientist – quick! – to testify before a Congressional committee that Trump is ignoring this developing crisis to distract us from his incompetence at handling the pandemic and colluding with Russia!

  11. What do these people have, a magic 8-Ball that’s has endless stuff to worry about? The only things not in there that will kill you according to them is big government, being queer, letting felons out of jail and being in the next abortion baby parts sale.

  12. Bermuda, since it’s discovery in 1505, has never had any wells, as it is a volcanic rock w/ no native population.

    all the potable water is rain water gathered by cisterns … always has been since the English settled there, due to shipwreck, in 1609 by the remnants of the Sea Venture … the inspiration for Shakespeare’s ‘Tempest’
    (side note: one of She Who Must Be Obeyed’s ancestors was a survivor on that boat)

    yes, you need nothing more than a rain barrel to survive … unless you live in Burr’s neighborhood 😉

  13. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed in form. I remember reading that somewhere.
    Oh yeah, and while I’m at it:
    O2 + e = O1 + O1
    O1 + O2 + e = O3
    Ozone – It’s that simple!
    No e (= energy) then no O3.
    Energy comes from the sun.
    No sun, no energy, no O3.
    Ozone hole appears at the South Pole precisely because there is no sunlight, thus no energy, for up to six months out of the year.
    Normal and naturally occurring.
    It is way past time to stop listening to the doom and gloom science liars.


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