Stupid – Bumper Tables For Social Distancing – IOTW Report

Stupid – Bumper Tables For Social Distancing

So, society is just going to accept these rules, which are arbitrary and mean nothing (6 feet prevents you from getting the virus?? Really?).

They think it’s funny so they are going to have fun with it?

How about saying no?

ht/ jd hasty

43 Comments on Stupid – Bumper Tables For Social Distancing

  1. So what happens if the person inside these inner tube tables is a klutz and trips, do they go just go rolling off like a tire going down the road? Who comes up with stupid ideas like this in the first place? And then for a bunch dumb people to think that it’s a great idea, I’ll pass on the mass stupidity. They look like trampolines for idiots.

  2. There is enough data to know causal contact does not pass the disease, but prolonged contact like being confined to your house with your family, so fumbling Fauci lays out the wrong “cure” from DC. I would never hire that imbecile for my doctor. Wrong. solution for this disease.

  3. geoff the aardvark
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 3:36 PM
    “So what happens if the person inside these inner tube tables is a klutz and trips, do they go just go rolling off like a tire going down the road? ”

    …I can sort of answer that, but I’ll stick to English so I can type faster…

    …years ago when it was my job to pick up the results of overindulgence, a sports type bar in my district experimented with Sumo suit wrestling. If you didn’t live through the ’90s, this is where two drunk people, in the wild, free pre-Covid days, would happily, drunkenly put on fatsuits that other drunken people had sweated in, vomited on, and peed in, and boink (in the fully dressed, springy sense, @Uncle Al, sorry) against each other until one was knocked out of a vaguely defined circle, passed out, or got punched out by a drunken spectator that didn’t move fast enough and got bumped. You couldn’t fight back very well in the suit or get out of it quickly…that was kind of the POINT…so your head was basically a speed bag for unencumbered bar patrons/ad hoc pugilists.

    Which is where I would get involved.

    One time, or so they told the police, one guy fell over in the suit and, like a turtle, couldn’t get up. Other sports bar patrons being the chalvorous souls the breed tends to be, helpfully sprinkled him with popcorn, nuts (the non-pants kind, “teabagging” as a form of humiliation having not been invented yet) and whatever drinks weren’t theirs and/or had cigarette butts in them. He responded to this with the wit and athleticism you’d expect, by cursing effectively and trying to roll forcefully into his tormetors to bite them.

    This earned him a series of kicks and at least one flung beer bottle, a nifty skull fracture, and a free ride to the hospital.

    …so, while it wasn’t an inner tube, I would advance that, given that it’s likely a similar group of patrons and assuming that there hasn’t been any marked increase in toasted ethics in the last 30 years,, I would advance the considered theory that the answer to “So what happens if the person inside these inner tube tables is a klutz and trips” is “they get kicked like a soccer ball because some drunk people get angry easy, and other drunk people think it’s funny”.

    …that’s my theory, anyway, but I’d be happy to hear any rebuttals…

  4. Monkey
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 5:24 PM
    “so aaaaaa what do ones do when they need to aaaaa…….evacuate their bladder?”

    …if you’re properly drunk, that question answers itself (see peed in fatsuits above).

  5. Speaking of knee-pad media, wife had the local news on the Teevee just now. A black woman who weighed over 275 lbs. was complaining about how the food banks aren’t keeping up with demand and how they are starving her. Media simply let this permanent ward of the State just rant.

    Poor dear is starving to death, ya know.

    No wonder I am surly. I actually grew up in poverty and my belly rumbled most of my childhood.

    This bitch has to wipe Cheeto dust off her pie hole every minute, if she even bothers.

  6. As if there isn’t a restaurant on every corner or I don’t have a kitchen. There is no way in hell I’d do this. And yet these people did?! Good grief are we in trouble.


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